The Night [after leaving Me'etia] came on boisterous, and the morning so much
that I was obliged to lye by for some time, for I was not able to see the land
[Tahiti] distinctly. Towards Noon the Weather came fair, and we
anchored in Matavia. 'Bay without accident.
[After anchoring] [ was immediately visited by my old acquaintances, and to my
surprise by a Whale Boat of a Ship that was lost, called the Matilda, Mathew
Weatherhead Master. I found that Captain Vancouver had been there
Captain Edwards in the Pandora, and many various accounts
respecting them. Every person I saw gave me joy of my safe return. to Otaheite.
I had not many Cannoes off to the Ships, for the People of
0parre and Matavia were at War, on account of the Matavia
People refusing to share the things they had robbed the
Seamen of the Matilda. I heard this News with some concern, as it militated
against my plans of immediately beginning to get the Bread Fruit. ' The People who
came off to me were Iddeeah the Queen (her first husband was from home), Tootaha, an old
Priest , and Oreepyah and Whydooah, the Brothers of Tynah.
Here Log Account Ends and Civil [time reckoning- ie., from
midnight to midnight rather than noon to noon) begins, this page taking in 36 Hours.
Tuesday, April 10th
Very fine Weather. Wind ENE but I believe more Easterly at Sea. Thermometer
80 to 80 ½ Degrees. Ships Draught of Water forward 14 feet 3 inches abaft, 16
feet 3 inches astern. People Employed drying and unbending Small Sails and cleaning
Ship of everything that could be stolen by the Natives. Got on board a Launch
Load of' Water. <My> Thermometer is kept in the coolest part of the Ship.
I had only a few Oparre Cannoes off to me but a sufficiency of
Hogs, Breadfruit and Cocoa Nutts to feed every Person sumptuously. My Visitors
were the same as Yesterday, and Iddeah [‘Itia.] assured me a Cannoe was sent away
to Moreah [Morea] for Tynah [Tina] her husband and his Father and Mother .
These People are necessary to my well doing, not withstanding Ideeah and Oreepyah
[Ari’ipaea] seem sufficient to effect my plans, assisted by Otoo (Ereerahigh) [Tu, Ari’i Rahi, Tina’s eldest son and successor], who yet a Boy continues to be
instructed by them. Tomorrow I intend to pay him a Visit, and my endeavours will
be to establish a Peace, which I have some hopes will be lasting <a lasting one>.
Nothing could exceed the joy of these People at seeing me.
I received a letter to day directed to any of his Majesty’s Ships
that might touch here, from Matthew Weatherhead Commander of a Ship called the
Matilda. It relates, that in the Latitude of 22 degrees S, and Longitude 139 degrees
45 minutes W from London, the Ship was lost on a Shoal, He begs my [sic]
assistance as follows
I beg your assistance in rectifying the Wrongs I have received on this Island by
one Tabyroo. After the misfortune of losing the Matilda, We were 6 days in the
Boat, landed at Matavia <Matavai> and put ourselves under the protection of
the above mentioned Man. I had with me one Box containing <the> most of my
papers - 407 Dollars, 17 Guineas and one half between 3 & 4 lbs. of English
silver. A Bag containing <with> a few Necessary Cloaths. After being in <the>
House 6 Days I was turned out without anything to shift myself with only one Shirt.
Parry Otaheite Your Most Hble Servant,
March 29th 1792 Matthew Weatherhead
PS – Sir the Chief Mate and Carpenter will explain the matter more clearly if
On enquiry I found that the Matilda, Captain Weather head,
and [the] Mary Ann, Captain Munro, were two ships that had been at Port
Jackson [Sydney, New South Wales] with Convicts. They left England the 27th
March 1791. Arrived at Port Jackson 1st August 1791 and Sailed the 28th
December 1791 bound to the Coast of Peru. On the 14th February 1792 both Ships
anchored in Oaitepeha Bay [Vaitepiha Bay, southeastern Tahiti], where having got
a plentiful supply of Hogs and Fruit, they sailed on the 17th after a stay of two
Days. A few days after they Sailed the Masters of the Ships agreed to part
company, and to meet again in the Latitude of 10 degrees South, when they should
arrive on the Coast [of South America] to Fish for Whales.
On the 25th February the Matilda in a dark Night run. <ran>
aground upon a Shoal which was of some extent, perhaps about 8 or 10 Miles. They
cut away their Masts, lowered their Boats down, and having put a few necessaries
into them (7 Muskets, 3 Pistols, ammunition, 2 or 3 Cutlasses) they left the Ship
about 10 OClock in the Morning.
The Ship's Company consisted of 28 Men and Boys; but a
Convict having secreted himself at Port Jackson, the number at this time were 29.
They divided themselves into four Boats, and without examining minutely into
their situation, they left the Shoal without knowing if any Island or land was near
it. <I cannot discover that any Person saw anything that was green.>
They proceeded fortunately to Maitea [Me'etia] and after a
Nights rest and kind treatment, they Sailed for Otaheite on the 5th March. On the
next night, by bad Weather, the Boats were separated, two arrived at Matavai,
one at Oaitepeah, and the other round by Attahooroo [Atehuru]. The People at
Oaitepeah were too hostile to induce the Boat to remain with them, she therefore
preceeded to Matavai and joined the Party that had go there before them .
Afterwards, in the course of eight Days, the Men. who had landed at Attahooroo
also came to join their Companions. It however appeared so much the opinion of the
Captain that they should not remain in one place, that some resided at Matavai,
some at Oparre, and some at Attahooroo. They were all dispossessed of their Cloaths
& Articles they had with them; but the greatest <great> prize fell in <into> the
hand of the Matavai People, under the command of Poeeno the Chief, and
Tabyroo, a Person of some power. The circumstances no sooner became known than
Otoo demanded the Articles taken at Matavai, consisting of Money & Arms, in
behalf (he asserts) of his Friends the English; but no restitution was made. Some
deliberation immediately took place, <the> result of which was, that on the 19th
March War was proclaimed, and the Oparre People came to Matavai destroying
Houses and all the provision kind they could lay their Hands on. The Matavians
made very considerable resistance; still retain their Booty, and at this instant the
Parties are violently at War with other.
Not withstanding our Countrymen were robbed of their Cloaths,
they were treated afterwards with kindness and attention, it would however
have been better if the whole had gone to Oparre under the protection of Otoo, and
as there were three at this time absent with the Matavaians; the first step I took
was to order them to join their Ship Mates.
The War was interrupted by the Arrival of a Schooner called
the Jenny (a) from Bristol burthen 90 Tons. [(a) refers to following marginal
note: 'Arrived 25th March Sailed 5 Weeks after me from England and came by the
Cape Horn.’] This vessel remained here until the 31st March, when she Sailed for
the NW Coast of America and by this opportunity Capt. Weatherhead with Two
Boys and One Man, had the means of returning home. he [Jenny's Captain] had
one passenger more than expected, a Seaman <having > secreted himself on board
sailed with them as it is supposed, for he has not been heard of since .
While the Jenny remained here the Second Mate, Campbell [of
the Matilda] undertook to go away in one of the Whale Boats for Port Jackson. It
was fitted up in a miserable manner with Mat Sails, and himself with two Men,
Phillip Cristall & John Bassiter sailed <on> the same Day.
The Number of Men now remaining on the Island are 21,
including the Convict who has absented himself. Among them is [are] the Chief
Mate, Surgeon, Boatswain & Carpenter. The whole of them I directed to stay at
Oparre where they are well taken care of.
I find that about 2 Months after I left Otaheite in the Bounty
[marginal note in ML version: 'some say 5 months], Christian returned with her to
the very great astonishment of the Natives, whose enquiries were numerous and
affectionate, doubting even to the last that things had gone well with me, and
those who were absent. [In ML, 'even to the last that’ is crossed out and replaced
with a few illegible words.] The first questions were
Where is Bry?
He is gone to England
In what Ship?
In Tootes [Cook’s] Ship
How came you to met Toote and where is he ?
We met at Whytootacke <Whytootackee> [Aitutaki] where he is going to
live, and has sent me for all those who will come and live with him. The Bull
and Cow and as many Hogs as you will send him [animals left at Tahiti by Cook]
What is become of the Breadfruit?
He has sent it home to England with Bligh.
Every thing was now given to him [Christian] that he asked, and in Eight or
Ten Days he left Matavai with several men and Women (a) & every thing they
had. [(a) refers to marginal note: '10 Men 2 'Bogs 9 Women 1 girl [See 2 May’]
In (b) one Month after Captain Cox left this place [(b) refers to
marginal note- 'October 1789'. John Cox was Captain of the Swedish brig, Mercury,
which anchored at Matavai August 13 to September 2, 1789.] Christian arrived
again, an having landed 16 of his Villains [in ML ‘Villains is crossed out and
replaced with 'Associates'], he sailed in the Course of a Day [[but]] I cannot find
that any person was acquainted with the route he intended to take.
It may readily be believed that I found <felt> great satisfaction
and pleasure to hear of these Wretches all being taken by Captain Edwards [on
H.M.S. Pandora] except two who were killed by the Indians. [Marginal note: See
28th April'. In ML Bligh crossed out 'by the Indians;’ he also crossed out 'to hear of
these 'Wretches all being' and substituted ‘ in hearing that all these Mutineers were'.]
From the best accounts those taken in the Pandora were as
follows –
George Stewart [Mid shipman]- acting Masters Mate
Peter Hayward - Midshipman
James Morrison - Boatswains Mate
Thomas Burkit [t] – AB
John Millward - AB
Henry Hil[l]brant – Cooper
William Musprat – Taylor [rated Commander’s Steward]
Thomas Ellison - AB
Richard Skinner – Barber [rated AB]
Michael Byrne - AB
Joseph Coleman - Armourer
Charles Norman - Carpenter's Mate
Thomas McIntosh - ditto crew
Charles Churchill -Master at Arms (a)
Matthew Thompson - AB
[John] Sumner - AB
[(a) refers to footnote -'Thompson killed Churchill who was made Eree of Tiaraboo
& the Tiaraboo people killed Thompson'.]
George Stewart, Thomas McIntosh, and Richard Skinner each had a Daughter by the Women they lived with, and Thomas Burkitt and John Millward [each] had a Son -I have seen none of them – and some are sad to be dead. The Man who Captain Cox left here called , Brown had a [one] son. He sailed with Captain Edwards about 4 Months before <Captain> Vancouver arrived <here> .
Captain Vancouver and Lieutenant Broughton arrived here after the Pandora and stayed about five weeks. After he sailed [marginal note: '12th
January 1792. See 16th April ‘] a disease afflicted the Natives that killed many of them, so that they speak of the Ships with a degree of horror and declare it was caught on board.
The Anchor which Christian left the Natives got and delivered it to Captain Edwards.
Wednesday, Apri1 11th
Very fine Weather with a regular Trade at ESE without, but at E by N here.
'Thermometer 76 to 82 Degrees. Employed Caulking the larboard Side, getting fresh
Water off and trading with the Natives for Hogs, Breadfruit, Tarro, Plantains,
Cocoa Nutts and some Fowls, so that every person had much more than they could use. Began to kill some very large Hogs for Salting.
Early in the Morning I went to Oparre to see Otoo. He was
overjoyed to see me. When I was here in the Bounty he was rather an ill looking
Boy, but he is now grown a fine Youth. None of the ceremony took place between
us that did then, he was very familiar and always kept hold of my hand, altho carried on a Man’s Shoulder where he rode as on a horse, and carried a Switch wit which he beat back the Croud <Crowd>.
He received a very handsome Present of Cloaths and Iron Tools
with a great thankfulness, and pressed me hard to bring the Ships down to Oparre.
he had only a few Body Guards with him, the whole district being employed
against Matavai. After a short stay, for I was seized with a very Violent Nervous
head ach (which is always more or fess upon me,) I took my leave. Three fine Hogs
were put in <into> the Boat, & I might have had her loaded with Fruit.
Among my old Friends who used to be with me here, I saw
Terrano the Wife of Teppahoo a great Chief of Tettahahi <Tettahah>. This Old
Woman. with her Sister hung about me and literally thanked God for saving me
after I had lost the Bounty, for they were in formed of the whole transaction.
Teppahoo she told me was dead from the Cancer that was in the roof of his
Mouth when I was here before. (See page 210 of last Voyage) I found also that
Mowworoah the Uncle of' Tynah, was dead and lying in State on a Toopapow in
Oparre [ML contains following marginal note: This man died 1 Month after C.
Vancouver sailed, Feb. 7 1792] and that Terreenahroah, Eldest Daughter of
Tynah & Iddeah, had died of a decline soon after I left them.
Odidee they told me was gone with Captain Edwards in the
Pandora to Ulietea [Ra’iatea] and the rest of the Society Islands.
In our return to the Ship I saw a multitude of Men on the low
land of Matavai all armed preparing for an attack on the Matavians who
<whom> they had already driven from the Spot, and burnt all their houses <whose
Houses they had burnt>. The Afternoon produced the result of their determination.
The Oparre people drove the others to the Mountains, killed one Man, & returned
victorious. I have been sollicited very to join Otoo’s army, but I only promised
to interfere should the Matavians attempt to go near Oparre, in which case I
assured them I would land a Party of Men & drive them back, which gave great
pleasure to our Oparre Friends. I also sent the Surgeon of the Matilda to Poeeno
and Tabyroo, to order them to return the Captains effects if they ever [‘ever’crossed out in ML] wished to be on good terms with us, & he brought me back
Word from them, that everything would be returned. The Surgeon informed me that
he was conducted through an immense number of Men armed with Spears, Clubs &l
Slings, who appeared extremely anxious to know the Message he had brought, & if I
intended to act against them. They behaved with much decorum and some attention
to the Chief who went with him; for the front of each army was so near to each
other as to use their Slings, hostilities ceased during the parley. These Men when
heaped together in such numbers armed with Spears 12 or 14 feet long or more, have
a tremendous appearance, they nevertheless do little mischief to each other, for I
believe they seldom come to a serious charge, but content themselves with the
execution they are able to effect by Slinging Stones, by which means some Men are
Maimed and sometimes killed.
It is of the utmost concern to me, but I dare not get send any
party on shore. I have not get seen any Chief of consequence but Oreepyah and his
Brother, and Tynah still remains at Morea..
When the Maltilda C[aptain] Weatherhead passed Matavai,
some of the Natives swam off to him with Notes that some of the Discovery’s
People had given them to recommend them as Tyo's, these Notes were dated the
12 th January 1792, which I suspect was the time they Sailed. [marginal note: See
16th April]
The Villains that <People whom> Christian landed were
permitted to have Sails and various implements, <so that> they built a Vessel
about 25 or 30 Feet long with two Masts, and the Natives tell me that Captain
Edwards took this Vessel with him, which gave me much pleasure, as I think he
may derive a great- advantage from her in going through between New Holland and
New Guinea. [ML originally read ‘through Endeavour’ but ‘Endeavour’ has been
crossed out and replaced with ‘the Straights’.]
Our friends here have benefited very little from the intercourse
they have had with Europeans since I left them. Our Countrymen must have taken
great pains to have taught them such vile & blackguard expressions as are in the
Mouth of every Otaheitean. I declare I would rather forfeit any thing than to have
been in the list of Ships that have touched here since April 1789. [In ML this whole
sentence has been crossed out – still another post – PRO afterthought? Blight doubtless
felt that Vancouver's ships were among the guilty ones but that it would be
impolitic to imply as much.]
Thursday April 12th
Fair Weather and regular Trade Wind E 6 N in the Bay and ESE out.
Thermometer 80 to 83 Degrees. Carpenters Employed Caulking the larboard side .
Loosed Sails and unreeved the running Ropes. A few Cannoes trading with Hogs and sufficient supplies.
This Morning word was brought to me that the Matavians were
drove <driven> to the Mountains, and that War would cease as soon as Tynah
came from Morea, and they assured me he was sent for. Oreepyah appears very
desirous for me <that I should > remain- on board untill Tynah comes, and it appears
to me that his presence is absolutely necessary to regulate some busyness which they
dare not do without him.
In the Afternoon an Indian was caught thieving on board the
Assistant; he was sent on board «of» me and confined untill Oreepyah returned on
board, when I released him, for Oreepyah told me he was insane. At 8 in the
Evening the same person was again found swimming about the Cable. The Night
was dark, it was therefore with some difficulty that he was taken. I put him in Irons.
Several Inferior Chiefs were on board today, they were
remarkably glad to see me, and thanked their God for his Us protecting me from the
hands of Christian. Their manner of expressing themselves was literally to that effect.
Friday, April 13th
Fine Weather. Wind at ENE and much Swell in the Bay. Thermometer 82 to 84
Degrees. The Heat is oppressive.
Carpenters Employed <in> Caulking the larboard side. Not
many Cannoes, we have nevertheless as much as we can possibly make use of :Hogs,
Breadfruit, Plantains [mei’; Musa paradisiaca], Tarro [Colocasia escuelntia.], Cocoa
Nutts and Vees [vi; Spondias dulcis, the native 'mango,]. Through the whole day I
have some of the Natives welcoming me here, and it is great fatigue to me to show
proper attention and in assorting the Presents I give to them.
In the Morning I ordered the Small Bower Anchor to be shifted
nearer the Shore in 12 fathoms. When Moored against Point Venus bore N22
[degrees] E, Distance, ⅔ of a Mile Point of the Reef N 13 [degrees] W and the
West head of Tarrah S 29 [degrees] W. Aired Sails.
In the Afternoon Iddeeah and her friends teased me to send my
Boat for Tynah, and said if I did not send for him he would not come. I saw this
was a. plan of her own, and insisted on her sending for him herself if she meant to be
on a friendly footing with me. The way I did it gave her some alarm; she ordered a
Boat to be ready, and Sailed, promising me to be back in two 'Days if the Weather
would permit.
A great inveteracy is still held against the Matavians,
particularly Poeeno the Chief. AS it was necessary for me to do it away as soon as
possible, I told Oreepyah I would wait no longer for 'Tynah’s arrival from Morea;
and in the Morning I should go on Shore to prepare a place for my Plants, in which
it was his interest to assist me, but that he might do as he liked; for I would have
no more fighting. This brought him about, and he engaged to assist me tomorrow,
as soon as I had determined on the part <where> I intended to have <fix. my Post.
Saturday, April 14th
Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. Wind at NE b E. Thermometer 83 to 85
degrees. Carpenters Employed Caulking larboard side. Washed & Cleaned Ship
We have plentifull supplies of Hogs and fruit, and every man
has more than he can consume.
At day dawn I sent away Mr. Norris Surgeon of the Matilda
with a Message from me to Poeeno & Tabyroo for Mr. Weather heads Money, &
some other articles that were in their possession, particularly the Musquets. After a
troublesome Walk of Six Miles he found Poeeno & 'Tabyroo at Wapyhanoo
[Ha’apaino’o; marginal note: ‘ a district next to Matavai’.] They received him in a very
friendly manner and promised that the Money should be returned as soon as possible as it
could be got from Teturoah [Tetiaroa; marginal note: A small Isl. north of Point
Venus’] where they had sent it for security. They refused to give up the Musquets,
unless by mutual <general> consent all those that were on the Island were to be
given to me; in that case they had on objection to comply, but in their present
situation they could not think of it, as it was necessary for them to preserve some
Means to regain their property, or to establish themselves in another situation.
They would do anything to serve me, and hoped I would not be angry with them; it
was the Mob, they said, had taken away the [Matilda] peoples Cloaths, and hauled
the Boats on Shore. They endeavoured to restrain them, but could not. If I came
after them, they said, all that could be done, was for them to fly farther. They
called Matavai my Country, and described <lamented> that the People of Oparre
had destroyed their Houses, Barked their Trees, destroyed what I had left among
them, and done the Country irreparable injury. I am sorry to say I found it too much
the Case; it will not however affect my plan, as the Plants are numerous.
According to my promise I landed with Oreepyah & Toota'ah.
and fixed on a rising ground for my Post, about a ¼ of a Mile from Point Venus
along the Beach. Matavai River runs close to the back of it, which makes the
Situation vastly desirable and advantageous for the Plants. By Orrepyah’s
assistance I got the lines marked out, and by Night I got a fence and a Shade two
thirds completed (about 30 Yards long and 6 Wide,) to receive my Plants. I also
got necessary posts for Houses, & everything ready for erecting them on to morrow,
which is vastly preferable to erecting my own Tents.
Thus happily we were going on well, and got ready a Party of
27 Men & Officers under the command of Lieut. Guthrie & Lieut. Pearce <two
Lieutenants>, all capable of bearing Arms, twenty of them being Marines.
Sunday, April 15th
A steady breeze all day from the Westward, and Cloudy Weather. The Thermometer 82
to 84 [degrees].
Washed and Cleaned Ship. Mustered the People, and saw every
Person Clean dressed. Performed Divine Service. Plentifull supplies of every thing. I
thought proper to put the People to short allowance of liquor, only to serve it three
days a Week while we have such. abundance of fine Cocoa Nutts. This enables me
to assist <the> Weatherhead’s People [i.e. the beached members of the Matilda.
crew], and Acts against necessity from <to provide against the consequences of>
any delay I may meet with in my Passage to Timor.
In the course of this day I got my Post so forwardly <nearly>
fitted up, that I determined to land the People in the Morning. I have at present
given up all thoughts of going [i.e., of moving the ships] to Oparre, as there is a risk
in getting the Ship in and out, and I have a chance or rather certainly of fine
Weather at this Season of the Year which will render my situation here more eligible.
<I have now got my Gardeners tolerably acquainted with the
manner of proceeding, and some intelligent men [i.e. Tahitians] to go with them
who assisted me last Voyage. A number of Natives I have employed in making
Mats of Cocoa Nut leaves for coverings to the Plants which can be taken off and
put on occasionally, and the Chiefs are highly pleases that King George has again
sent for the Breadfruit.>
Monday, April 16th
Moderate and Cloudy Weather which towards the middle of the Day became
Squally and at Night smart Rain. Wind about E b S and the Thermometer 82 to
83 ½ Degrees.
In the Morning I sent the Second Lieutenant of the Ship Mr.
Guthrie [and] Lieutenant Pearce of the Marines with his party and those of the
Assistant, amounting to 20 Men, and three non Commissioned Officers, a Mate and
two Midshipmen, to guard our Breadfruit Walk. I ordered also the Surgeon of the
Matilda to be of the Party, who with the two Botanists <Gardeners> made 27
Men capable of using Arms (Plates 9 and 1O)
Not many Cannoes about the Ship, but very sufficient supplies.
Carpenters employed caulking the Larboard side. Finished Salting 4 Hogsheads of Pork.
The favourable Wind yesterday brought me over (from Mo’orea]
my friend Tynah. He came on board about two OClock in a covered Cannoe with his
two Wives, Iddeah & Whyareddee. His father Old Otoo came in another Cannoe.
There appeared a natural degree of affection in Tynah & his Father that gave me
much pleasure. We all thank God (he said)[to me] that you are safe. we were told
you were put into a little Boat & sent a drift without anything to eat or drink,
and that you must perish. You have a fine Ship now. Have you good Men? Have
you a bad Man amongst them? Have you seen King George? What did he say to
you? and many various <other> questions he put to me respecting every person he
knew. I asked him how he came to be so friendly to Christian, for that proved to me
he was not sincere in what he said. He replied I really thought you was living
and gone to England untill Christian came back the second time. I was then from
home, but all my Friends, as soon as they heard from the Men who came on Shore,
on their questioning them, that you was lost, from that time we did not profess any
friendship to him, and Christian knew it so well that he only remained a few hours,
and went away in such a hurry that he left a second Anchor behind him. One of the
Anchors we got I gave it to the Pandora .Thus he freed himself from any suspicion
on my side, & with his usual good nature and cheerfulness regained my esteem & regard.
Poeeno & the 'Matavai People seem to be objects of great dislike
to Tynah and his Father, they requested I would undertake the War with them to
destroy those people as well as the Inhabitants of Paparrah & Oaitepeeha, who had
a number of Musquets. They knew it was an object worth their most strenuous
<earnest> endeavours to persuade me to <engage with them> but they had the
good sense not to be seriously offended at my refusal when I told them it would
interfere with the busyness I was sent on <upon>. I however still threatened the
adverse Party unless they brought in the Arms & Money.
Tynah brought me a large Hog and some Cloth, Breadfruit,
Plantains and Cocoa Nutts. His Wife Whyareddee also put a few pieces of Cloth
about me, but there was very little of the ancient Custom of the Otaheitean; all
that, was laid aside; it is rather a difficulty to get them to speak their own
language without mixing a jargon of English, and they are so generally altered, that
I believe no European in future will ever know what their ancient Customs of
receiving Strangers were.
It surprised me to find Tynah to have <had> another Wife,
while Iddeeah was living, it is however the Case. She is a Woman of Iddeeah’s
Stature <... a younger sister>, but has a much handsomer Countenance. She was
the Wife of Whaeeahtuah, the Chief of 'Tierraboo who is dead. They all slept on
board together, & the Women were on the best of terms with each other.
Tynah brought with him Captain Cook’s Picture, and on the
back of it underneath my Memorandum is as follows-
His Britannick Majesty's Ship Pandora Sailed from Matavai
Bay Otaheite 9th May 1791.
His Britannick Majesty’s Ship Discovery and armed Tender
Chatham Sailed from Matavai Bay 24th January 1792.
I should have been happy to have received a letter from Capt.
Edwards to have known how he had proceeded, it would have been delivered to me
as safe as the Picture, and I might have assisted finishing the object of his Voyage.
Tynah observing the Man in Irons who <whom> I had confined
for being about the Assistant’s Cable in the Night, laughed at me exceedingly for confining a Mad Man – Nainaivah [neneva] as he called him, which also implies foolish. At his request he was liberated & told not to come any more near the Ships.
The presents I made to Tynah and his Friends gave them much
pleasure, particularly a Suit of Crimson coloured Cloth with Gold Lace about the
Cape and Sleeves, and printed Callico Night Gowns to the Women. To these I added every thing they wished for in Iron and Trinkets.
I had forgot to mention that I saluted Tynah on his Arrival with 10 Guns.
Tuesday, April 17th
All the Morning Light Variable Winds Easterly. In the Evening the Wind varied
to the NW and West, and kept steady all Night with Cloudy Weather inclinable
to Rain. Thermometer 81 to 83 ½ degrees.
Employed Caulking, Drying Sails and Salting Pork, the Natives
supplying us with more Hogs than we can keep alive.
This was the first day of my beginning to collect my Plants. We had 32 in. the Pots at Sun Set.
I had a Visit today from the Young King. He was brought to
the Post on a Man's Shoulders in his usual way; but would not come off to
the Ship. After receiving a few presents he returned to Oparre.
Tynah, his Wives, Oreepyah and Tootaha, after they had all
eaten. voraciously, went to Oparre in the Cutter, nothing pleases them more than all
this mark of attention I always show to them, and my saluting on his arrival
delights him. He says it will show all his enemies that we are good Friends. He has
none but Friends about him just now, for all the Matavai People are fled, and their
habitations all destroyed, the whole Plain seems desolated, which I have seen. replete
with Cheerfulness and Wealth <Plenty >. By the Matavai People being away, I
have lost an intercourse with full thousand People. <Persons>, so that I have not
half the bustle I had in my last Voyage, which <in some respect > «so far» a
fortunate circumstance , <as > my Nervous Head Ach being <is> at times scarce
<scarcely> bearable.
<Before I was aware of it the Botanists had potted some of the
Plants without putting any pieces of Shells or anything at the bottom of the Pot to
prevent the water laying and souring. I therefore ordered them to be turned out and
potted anew.>
Wednesday, April 18th
Westerly Winds all the Morning and dark Cloudy Weather at Night Calms and
smart Rain favourable to my Plants. Thermometer from 81 to 77 degrees.
Employed Caulking the Starboard Bends & in restowing the
the Main hold.
About 30 Cannoes were about the Ship today, which I consider a
very small number when compared to the Multitude of People I have been
accustomed to. We have very sufficient supplies of Hogs, Fruit and Tarro. I have
only seen 3 She goats, which I bought for my Sea Stores.
Otoo sent me a handsome present of Hogs and Fruit and gave
others to the Officers at the post.
This day we completed 83 Pots with Plants. The Weather is
very favourable and I have got every duty going on <every duty goes> with
regularity. It is always <takes> some time before this can be effected, coming
<when we arrive> among Indians; but <it is> a material point to be gained. Mr.
Smith & Mr. Whiles the Gardeners [Mr. Smith & Mr. Whiles crossed out in ML]
have every assistance, some of the Men. [i.e.,Tahitians] were employed by me in.
my last Voyage, which is of considerable advantage tothem.
A. fine Child about 12 Months old was brought to me today <it
is> a Daughter of George Stewart Midshipmen of the Bounty. [marginal note: ‘Its
Mother is the Woman that Stewart always kept on board the Bounty.’] It was a
very pretty creature, but had been. so exposed to the Sun as to be very little
fairer than an Otaheitean.
Tynah with his Friends still remain at Oparre, debating on. their
capability to carry on. the 'War.
From the most authentick account I can get, I find the Otaheiteans have got from the different Ships, Musquets etc as follows:
Belonging to Oparre- Musquets 8 Pistols 5
At Oaitepeha. [Vaitepiha.] 5 5
At Iteeah [Hitia’a] 1
Attahooroo [Atehuru.] 0 5
Matavai 5 0
Paparrah [Papara] 8 6
... [?] One Swivel
Total 27 21
Thursday, April 19th
During the fore noon the Wind was steady from the ESE, but the remaining part
variable with Calms, and the whole day so Cloudy as made the Air Cool and
pleasant. The Thermometer from 76 to 77 Degrees.
Employed <in> Caulking the Starboard Bends. Airing Sails.
Salting Pork and Cleaning Ship.
This day we filled 149 Pots with Plants, the 'Weather very
favourable for the Work.
We have great abundance of' Fruit &Roots, but no Hogs today.
In the evening Tynah & his Wives returned from Oparre, they
brought with them a Hog and a quantity of dressed Breadfruit as a present to me.
As they remained on board I was obliged as usual to give <up> the Cabin to them,
where three Men Servants, their King & his Wives, after eating a hearty Supper,
slept upon the same floor, & by the side of each other.
It surprised me to find that both Iddeah & Tynah were called
Pomarre, & on enquiring into the Cause of it, I find it owing to their having lost
their Eldest Daughter Terreenaoreah of <by > an Illness called by that name,
<and> which they describe to me by coughing .[marginal note 'Pomarre is
compounded from Po Night & Marre the name of the Disease.’]Whenever a Child
dies the Parents or relations take the name of the disease - if a dozen Children die
of different diseases, the Parents have as many different Names, (or give them to
their Relations ) and may be called by either, but commonly by the last. It is common
to all Ranks of People.
Among a Number of Plants which I have brought here from
England, the Cape of Good Hope & 'New Holland, consisting of Oranges, Pines,
Guavas, Pomegranates, Quinces, Figs, Vines, Firs, Metrocedera and Aloes. The
Natives only have a desire for the three last, the Firs & Metrocedera because I
assured them they would grow to very large Trees, & were fit for building Ships;
and the Aloes on account of <its> their being a very fine Flower. No Value is set upon
any of our Garden. productions, <and> it is really taking trouble to no purpose to
bring them anything that requires care to get it to perfection. A fine Shaddock Tree
I saw Yesterday very nearly destroyed by Fire, and the Fruit of it they told me was
good for nothing. Some Trees in the Country as I have remarked in my last Voyage
bore fruit, & a few very fine ones were brought to me in the Evening from the
same place. This is just the time for them to be ripe, or in the course of this Month
or next.
Friday, April 20th
Calms with light Easterly Breezes. Thermometer from 78 to 81 Degrees.
Employed <in> Caulking the Starboard Bends. Salting Hogs.
Unbending Sails, Washing Ship, and Clearing Hawse.
Moderate Supplies of Hogs Breadfruit, Cocoa Nutts and
Plantains, but as much as we are in need of
Everything is now going on well at our Post, and the Natives
behave in a very orderly and good natured manner. I have now my Shed for the
Plants completed, and the Botanists <(Gardeners> accustomed to the Work. 111
Pots of Plants were Potted to Day.
I had another 'Visit from the Young King, and made some
presents to him. I could do nothing to <not> induce him to come on board, or to get
off his Man's Shoulders, where he rides as easy as a any of us would do upon a Horse.
About 20 or 30 Young Men attended <attend> him, and he shifts from one to the
other without the least inconvenience as they become tired. I cannot get Tynah or
any one to tell me the exact time when he will be permitted to Walk (any other
way ) <otherwise> than by saying when he is a Man. At home he runs about as
other Boys.
It is about the same time that Tynah will perform the Ceremony
of Oammo or Oammoah to all his Children and become free to feed himself. I have
given an account of this Ceremony in my last Voyage Page 271 which I cannot improve.
Whatever Men were taken in their Wars, are killed. They share
the same Fate with those who fall in the Battle, and remain on the Field. Their
Eyes are taken out - one is presented to their God Oro, and the other to the
Erreeahigh., and the Man is then put into a Grave and buried. In presenting the
Eye to the King it is put on a leaf, and the person who presents it, on being near
him calls aloud Hammamah my [hamama mai, gape or yawn towards here]. The
King then gapes wide, and the Ceremony ends. He does not even touch the Eye,
much less to eat <eat it>, or smell to <of> it.
Hammamah signifies to Gape, we may turn the Phrase therefore
to Threaten to Devour - or Gape to me.
The Men belonging to the Matilda who have lived at Oparre,
brought me word, that they had seen a White Man at times who would not speak
English to them, but had spoken at one time to a Boy of theirs, and therefore they
suspected he might be one of the Bountys People. They asserted also, that he had
been attempting to disfigure himself by tying a String around his head across his
Nose to flatten it. They told me the Story clear <clearly> and distinct
<distinctly>. The Oparre People denied the fact. All our friends there, declare
there was no such Person, and I was beginning to suspect their fidelity, when
Iddeah said perhaps they mean Taow [Taoro?]’. The affair was now unravelled, and
like a Sailors Story, there was not a word of' Truth in it - for the Person was an
Otaheitean, but one of those Lapses of nature, it is not possible to account for <for
which it is not possible to account> - his Skin and hair being <are> White ; &
<he> is the same person I have spoken of in my last Voyage. Strange it is <to me>
that these Seamen <people> were not content in <with > representing the case to
me as the appearance of the Man had impressed <it> on their Mind; but they
would wilfully add <without adding > to it, that he had conversed with the Boy.
Such is the determined desire of most Seamen to tell unbounded falsehoods, that I
fear their fancy often misleads them in cases of the most serious consequences. [Note:
‘This last sentence is crossed out in ML.]
Saturday April 21st
Strong Sea Breezes in the Day at ESE and much Swell on the Dolphin Bank.
During the Night Light Winds off the Land from the SSE. Thermometer 80 to 81
Number of Plants Potted 196. I mean so many Potts were
filled, many of which had two Plants in them.
Employed Caulking the Starboard Side, Cleaning Ship, and
Mending Cloaths. Very few Canoes off to us - but we have nevertheless sufficient
Tynah, as usual is generally on board with me. No Strangers
have been yet to see us, and we are remarkably quiet and free from bustle, both here
and at the post: Our Plants are taken up very advantageously, from. the Soil being
Moist and adhering to the fine fibrous Roots, and I have every thing going on
<every thing goes on as well> as I could possibly wish.
[Marginal note: ‘Total Pots, 571’]
Sunday, April 22nd
Moderate Sea Breezes at ESE and Land Winds at SSE in the Night. Calm in the
Morning and hot untill the Sea Breezes set in about 10 OClock. Thermometer from
79 to 81 Degrees. Completed 166 Pots with Plants.
Cleaned Ship and Mustered the Ships Company. Performed
Divine Service. Gave leave to Six Men at a time to go on Shore. I find the 'Venereal
disease is still common, one of our Men at the Post having Complained of being infected.
Very few Natives about us, but we have very sufficient
Supplies. Some Shaddocks were sent to me, they were very large, and of a fine sort,
but not sufficiently ripe. They were brought about 4 Miles out of the Country near
Pearoah, where Mr. Nelson planted three Trees, that are now loaded with Fruit.
The Natives do not value them.
Mr. Portlock picked up a lump of lava to day near the Post
which had every mark <appearance > of being thrown up from a Volcano. I made
several enquiries among the Chiefs about it, who assured me it came out of one of
their Ovens, where, by the heat of the Fire the Stones frequently take that change.
Sir Wm. Hamilton. says that the materials of Lava. are common matters to be found
every where in. the Earth (‘Viz’) Stones, metallic ores, Clay, Sand &c. and that the
hottest furnaces would not by any means be able to bring them into any degree of
fusion, since the materials of Glass cannot be melted without a great quantity of
fusible Salts, such as alkalies, nitre &c. mixed along with them.. I found it would
attract the Magnetic Needle.
Monday, April 23rd
During the Day from 10 OClock fresh Sea Breezes at E b S the Night and
Morning. Light Land Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 79 to 84 Degrees.
Wind ENE at Noon but at Sea about East.
Employed Caulking the Starboard Side. Salting Pork and
Tradeing < Trading> with the Natives. Plentiful Supplies. «Condemned per Survey
1593 lbs of Bread.» I took a Walk to day over the greatest part of our
Neighbourhood <which > I found «it» altered very much for the worse, occasioned by
<in consequence of> the late War, few Houses remained; and all those places that
swarmed with Inhabitants had scarce <scarcely> an Individual to account for the
calamity. At this time Peace is said to be established but the Matavai Chiefs do
not wish to send to me either the Money or Arms, and therefore keep in the
Mountains; notwithstanding they send to me fair promises that the Money shall be
returned. On this account we have but few Natives about us, only the Oparre
People Visit us.-
Otoo again paid us a Visit at the Post where a Heiva was
performed by one Woman and four Men in their common Interlude Stile. In the Cool
of the Evening our Marines exercised and the Natives were exceedingly delighted,
particularly with the Sergeant who played so many tricks with his Musquet, that
they said he was Mad.
Tynah with his Wives, Father and Brothers dine with me every
Day. A Canoe with a Party came over from Moreah to see the Ship, these were
some friends of Whyerreddee for whom Tynah had recourse to my lockers, to satisfy
<them> with presents. Tynah is a perfect fool to this Woman. She rules him as
she pleases, while Iddeeah quietly submits, and is contented with a moderate share
of influence. Sine I sailed in the Bounty, Tynah has had another Child (a Boy
called Oroho) by Ideeah - by Whyeereddee he has none. His children now, are,
Otoo - Errerahigh [Tu, Ari’i Rahi]
Terreetapanooai his Brother [Teri’i Tapanuai]
Tahanydooah his Sister (see 28th May) [Tahanitua]
Oroho his Brother
Huheine [Vahine] Moyere, the Wife of Oreepyah, arrived to Day from the district
of Itteah. [Hitia'a] where she had been at the Burial of her Father and Brother. To
my surprise <I found > she would touch no victuals, but what was put to her
Mouth by the hands of another person. I have accounted for this in my last Voyage
in one instance, and now I find from Tynah that the loss of relations is another
cause of not feeding themselves <cause of being fed>. It is a degree of mourning
that lasts three Months.
It is extraordinary to see how fond our Friends here are of
Liquor. They speak of Brandy and Strong Spirits with delight, and are Mad to get
as much as will render them stupid. I have done all in my power to prevent them.
With me they are orderly and contented with their Wine, but wherever they can
get it about the Ship they are sure to get drunk.
<Whydooah humorously calls Rum, Avah Tyo [‘ava tai’o] or
friendly draught. He says altho he has lost the use of his legs by drinking it, he had
always the use of his tongue; whereas the Otaheite Avah took away the use of both.>
Completed 80 Pots to day with Plants.
Tuesday, April 24th
Fine Weather. Sea Breezes at E b S and Land Breezes at S b E & SE.
Thermometer 81 to 83½ Degrees.
Employed <in> Caulking the Starboard side. Got the Spare
Anchor up out of the Main Hold and put the Guardian’s Anchor down in its place.
Got the Coals up in the Wake of the Hatchway and got on board two load of
Ballast about 4 Tons. It is a difficult thing to be got here, as the Stones lye at the
wash of the Beach where is, at most times, a very great Surf. Plentiful supplies of
Cocoa Nutts, Breadfruit, Plantains, <Tarro> & Hogs.
This Day we Potted 95 Plants. [Marginal note: ‘Total
Pots – 912’]
The Ereerahigh, Otoo, changed <the place of> his residence to
Day from Oparre to this Place, this is a pleasant circumstance as I have now all the
Chief People about us - Otow lives on Point Venus, Tynah and Otoo about 500
Yards within the Point, and Oreepyah on the Beach towards Tarrah. In this
manner they prevent a number of worthless fellows lurking about the Post and
committing Thefts.
The quantity of Old Cloaths that has been left among these
People is considerable. Any article of Dress they set the highest value on, they wear
such rags and dirty things as are truly disgusting, and deform themselves in a very
great degree. It is a rare thing to see a person dressed with a neat piece of Cloath
<Cloth> [i.e., bark cloth, which formerly they had in abundance and wore with
much elegance. Their general habiliments are now a dirty Shirt, an Old Coat, Jacket
or an Old Waistcoat, so that they are no longer the clean Otaheiteans, but in
appearance a set of Ragamuffins with whom it is necessary to have great caution
in any intercourse with them.
Wednesday, April 25th
Fair Weather during the Morning, but the Latter part of the Day Cloudy with
Rain in the Mountains and a sprinkling below. Wind E & SE. Thermometer 81 to
83 ½ Degrees.
Employed in the Hold and Caulking Ship. Plentifull Supplies.
Received one Load of Ballast about 2 Tons.
Our Friends here have some weighty deliberations in their hands
which I cannot yet account for. The Cause of Otoo having moved to Matavai is on
some busyness respecting the late War. Some concessions are made by the Matavai
Party. The Temple of Oro their God, which is always kept near the residence of the
Erreerahigh, was brought up in a Cannoe with him, it is to remain here untill
tomorrow, when after a meeting of the Parties, Otoo returns with it to Oparre, but
all the other Chiefs remain here. Tomorrow Morning I am to have a sight of it, and
to hear prayers performed by Tootaha the Priest. This Man is a great Orator among
them, and highly respected for his abilities, as well as <for> being a Chief of
consequence. He has <is> always been the Prime Minister of Tynah, is their
Oracle and historian of this Country, and possesses a great fund of humour. He is
now called Hammene, manne [Ha’amanemane] but was spoken of in my last Voyage
by the name of Too-taha [Tutaha]. He is remarkable for speaking English and
could he write is capable of forming a Vocabulary of near a thousand English Words.
I have mentioned the Death of Teppahoo [Te Pau] the Chief of
Tetaha [District, also called Fa’a’a] and now find he is succeeded by Teppahoo (the
youngest Brother of Tynah) his Nephew by Marriage with Terranoo [Teranu], the
Sister of Oberreroah [Peroa, also Tetupaia] who is his Mother.
We filled 71 Pots to Day and the whole are doing exceedingly
well as far as we can judge. [Marginal note: ‘Total Pots 983']
April 26th
Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes. Thermometer from 81 to 83 ½ Degrees.
Employed in the Hold and Caulking the Starboard Side of the
Ship. Very plentiful Supplies to Day. Filled 99 Pots with Bread Fruit Plants and
one of Vees. [Marginal note: ‘total Pots 1082’]
At day light this morning I walked with Tynah and
Hammennemanne (for so I shall now call him) to see the Great Temple
Tebbootabooatah. I found it on a double Cannoe, about a Mile from Point Venus
to the Eastward, near the small Island called Modoo,ow, in the harbour called
Taipippee. It was hauled up on the Beach. On the prow of the Cannoe was a baked
Hog, the Head of a Dog & a Fowel, with a piece of Sugar Cane. Being seated in
the Cannoe Hammennemanne began a Prayer in favor of King George, Myself and
Mr. Portlock who was with me, the principal purport of which was, that we might
never want or be overcome by our Enemies. His chanting was accompanied by two
Drums, one was beat by a Nativeand the other by one of my People who was
with me, so that it cannot be supposed there was much harmony in it: <between
them>. There was an interval in the Prayer when the Priest took off all his
Cloaths and lifted a bundle like an Egyptian Mummy covered with red Cloth from
under its Vault into a kind of Trough on the Top of it. It contained (he said) the
Etuah [atua, god, & Worrow te oorah [marginaI note: ‘many Feathers’], and some
other sacred things. I requested to have it opened, which at this time he did not like
to comply with, but assured me I should see it tomorrow at Oparre, where it was to
be sent in the course of this Day to be ready at a Ceremony which I was to be at
<at which I was to be present>.
This senseless lump and Cannoe <of> which my drawing [plate
13} will give a just Idea of, and <which> has been spoken of with so much wonder
and respect, is about 6 feet long and 4 feet wide and 5 ½ feet high. They call it the
Ephare no t’Etuah [e-fare no te atua] or Ephare Tuah, the House of God [marginal
note: ‘see 12th July’] and his Temple Tebbootaboo, ataiah [Taputapuatea].The
Wooden Arches which are 18 Inches high are cut hollow in Ribs and are called Avy
[avae] or Legs. There are three Arches which support the Morai [marae), but the
Ephare Tuah has the interstices filled, so that it forms only one Arch. On the top of
these arches are fastened two Troughs (like mangers) one has a narrow shed over it
and is called the House of God, the other with four rude ornaments is called the
Morai. The Trough however is called Erro’ee [ro’i, bed]. On the top of the Morai
are represented two Birds. There is in no part of it, ingenuity or Workmanship to
recommend it to notice; but its duties and the sacred Rights [rites?] performed to it,
among which are the human Sacrifices, induced me to be particular in the description.
Otoo slept under a small Shed near the Moral, he had most of
the things with him that we had given to him, and a St.Georges Ensign which
was left here by Captain Cook. This Ensign is always carried with the Morai, and
it was displayed in sailing past the Ships to Oparre, with a small Red Flag.
[Marginal note: ‘This place is Sacred to the Chief no person ventures near it. He
always Sleeps here when it is too late to go to Oparre.’]
Peace is established. Poeeno and Tynah have had a meeting, and
it is agreed that Poeeno shall live again at Matavai. They have promised to return
Captain Weatherhead’s Money, but I am in doubt about their sincerity. I however
dare not involve myself in any trouble with these people to get either one part of
his property or the other, altho I will do my utmost to regain it by every fair means
I am capable of.
The Harbour of Taipippee is but small, and nothing about it to
induce any Person to Anchor a Ship there.
A Shark 7 feet long was caught along side the Ship. Many
Porpoises were in the Bay.
The Native name for the high forked Mountain which I have
called Otoo’s Horns is Orohee,nah, or Orooenah [Orohena].
Friday, April 27th
Moderate Sea Breezes at East and E b N Land Winds at Night from the SE.
Thermometer from 81 to 83 Degrees.
Employed <in> Caulking the Larboard Side. Fitting up a place
on the Quarter Deck for Extra Plants. In the Hold and other necessary Duties.
Sufficient Supplies of Cocoa Nutts, Plantains, Tarro, Bread fruit and Hogs.
[Marginal note records the following plants having been
collected through April 26th: breadfruit, 1082 pots and 4 tubs; plantains, 12 pots;
Tahitian chestnuts, 6 pots; Tahitian ‘mango’, 2.]
Tynah and his Friends got very much intoxicated with their
Ava this Morning and were not able to perform their promise of going with me to
Oparre. Towards Mid day they all recovered and were a little ashamed of their
conduct, and our excursion was put off untill the Morning.
On my enquiring the cause of the Marro Oora [maro ura,
red – feather girdle being removed from Attahooroo where it was in Captain.
Cook’s time, and when I was here in my last Voyage: they told me that after
Christian had left <part of> his Villains <crew> at Otaheite, Otoo made War
against <the> Attohooroo People, and by the Aid of the Bounty’s Men, overcame
them. The Marro, the Etuah [Atua] and Tebbootab,ataiah were then seized and
brought to Oparre where they will remain.
Saturday Aprll 28th
Fine Weather with Land & Sea Breezes. Thermometer from 81 to 83 ½ Degrees.
Cleaned and Washed Ship. The remainder of the day the People
employed <in> mending their Cloaths & washing. Received one load of Stone
Ballast per Launch about 2 ½ Tons. Sufficient supplies of Fruit but no Hogs.
[Marginal note: ‘total pots as of Yesterday – breadfruit - l086,
plantains -12, ratahs - 25, mallies - 6, vees -16, ettow-l’]
At Sun rise I set out in my Boat with Tynah & Orrepyah for
Oparre, where Hammenne,manne was waiting our arrival at the Morai at the
entrance of the Harbour. [Plates 14 and 15] He was at Prayers at the Temple, the
Etuah laying before him, wrapt up in Red Cloth as I had seen it at Tepippee. To
the right of it lay the body of a dead Man wrapt up in the Platted branch of a
Cocoa Nutt Tree, and tied to a Pole by which means the Body was carried about.
To the right of the Priest were two Drums very different in size, & at the distance
of 20 Yards in the same direction was the Eva’tah [fata], or altar on which were
twenty nine dead Hogs, and a middle sized Turtle. [Plate 16] On nine stout Posts
was erected an Ephare Tuah [fare atua , house (of a)god], & there were two others
on Cannoes. Two other Priests assisted Hammennemanne besides two or three
inferior People of that Order [the Priesthood?]. I had scarce <scarcely> been seated
a quarter of an hour by the Priests, when the Sun having risen above the Trees,
caused such a violent stench from the dead Body, as forced me to quit the place and
take a Seat out of the direction of the Wind, where our Friend Tynah had placed
himself under a spreading Tree. Otoo was carried about on a :Man's Shoulders
talking to us & playing his tricks during the whole time of the devotion. After the
first Prayer upon our arrival, the Bundle which they called the Etuah was untied
& exposed. The Marro oorah, or feathered Belt was also taken out of another
bundle & spread out, so that I had a view of every sacred thing that belonged to
them. Hammennemanne now began another Prayer, it was very long, but had many
repetitions in it, so that it is not so extraordinary, as strangers imagine, the
retentiveness of this Mans Memory <the retentiveness of this Man's Memory is not
so extraordinary as Strangers imagine>. Taking up his prayer <his prayer being
considered > in all its various changes and repetitions, the whole amounted to this.
We have sacrificed a Man - we have presented his Eye unto thee as a token of they
[sic] power, and unto our King, because it is thy will <that> he reigneth over us,
and knowing <we know > that every thing belongeth unto thee. We display our
Feathers. We present our Hogs; and all this we do oh Oro', for we know thou
delightest in it - our hope & wish is to do as thou desirest, prosper us therefore in
all our undertakings, let us conquer our Enemies and live in Plenty.
After this prayer, a Hog which had been strangled was scorched
his hair taken off, and the entrails taken out and burnt except the liver. After
smearing the Hog over with its blood, and broiling the liver, the whole was brought
to the Morai, (or Temple) the place of Prayer. This appeared to me to be
particularly the offering of my Friend Tynah, & Hammennemene pronounced another
Prayer, which was in favor of King George, Myself and all the People who were
with me in the Ships. The Drums were beat at intervals, and the Hog being laid on
the Evatah, & the Corps [sic] buried by the side of the Morai; the Marro was made
up in one bundle, & the Eatuah in the other, carefully covered over with a piece of
English Red Cloth (as I have observed before) and the Ceremony ended.
There were not many people present, and among those that
were, I saw no grave or serious attention. The Priest himself the moment he had
done prayers began to joke & create fun in an obscene manner.
Tynah requested I would not return immediately to the Ship, as
he had ordered a Turtle to be killed for us; it was about 20 lb Weight and baked as
they do their Hogs. While it was dressing we went to the Morai [marginal note:
‘called Wow,ooreah’] on the Point of the Harbour [Plate 17]; & there I observed
that two Bodies had recently been deposited under the Coral Rocks, <of> Men who
had been sacrificed in the beginning of the War. The dead Body we saw was
brought from Moreah four or five days back - it was a sacrifice made by the people
of that Island and sent to Otoo. The Ceremony of presenting the Eye was not
performed at this time, it was done when the body was first landed.
In War time these Sacrifices are common,- on being defeated; a
Man is Sacrificed <they sacrifice a Man> to their God to implore assistance and
success. On a Victory, <it> is their most sacred way of returning thanks. The
Wretch on whom the lot falls is of no estimation, and is always called a bad Man.
On my return to Tynah, the People showed me a large Drum in one of their
Houses, that Christian had brought from Toobooi [Tubuai). It appears that this
Wretch [in ML 'this Wretch has been replaced by ‘he’] had gone to Toobooi to
settle, but on finding the inhabitants inimicable, he was forced from <to leave> it,
and returned to Otaheite, where part of his Gang [in ML 'Gang' replaced by
‘Crew’] left him as I have before related.
The Turtle being near <nearly> ready, our repast was to be
taken on the Ground which was covered with fresh leaves for that purpose under the
Shade of a fine Tree. When we were all Seated, Tynah desired the Priest to perform
a Ceremony called Errow,wow, ah. This Ceremony is a token of Friendship and
intercourse with all those who <whom> the Ereerahigh shall be pleased to
Name- it gives all the Chiefs great pleasure to know of it being performed, and
<they> feel themselves highly honored in having their Names called over. It is
<was> performed thus - The Priest collected a number of leaves and standing up,
he called every name as Tynah directed him or <as> he knew to be his <Tynah’s>
wish, and each set of names he numbered with a leaf. These leaves were then given
to Otoo, (who was by on a Mans Shoulders ) and he held them untill all the Friends
were called over, among whom were ourselves & the Ships. Part of this Ceremony
Myself, Mr. Bond & James Harwood the Surgeon who was with me assisted in, by
the help of Tynah, who told us alternately what we had to say. The first Word
was, Errow,wowah, which signifies the Kings good Wishes to the person whose
name follows.
The Morai or Temple where the Ceremony was at <performed>,
is an oblong pile of Stones about 10 Yards long & four feet high [Marginal note: ‘A
Pavement was in the front where the Priests Sat & leand their backs against
Stone Posts for that Purpose’], on the top of which was, stuck about fourteen rude
Ornaments, on some of which was a resemblance of a Man & on others a Bird. The
whole range of them they called Tebbotaboo, ataiah, as they did also similar
Ornaments [marginal note: ‘See 26th’] on the Ephare Tuah.'s that were in the
Cannoes . The only interpretation I can give to Tebbotaboo, atoiah is, that it is their
Great Temple or principal place of Worship.
The Red Bundle their Etuah (which they called Oro) was
nothing more than. a number of Yellow and Red feathers, and four rolls about 18
Inches long platted over with Cocoa Nut fibres, to which they gave the Name of
some inferior Deities. Captain Cook calls this lump of superstition the Ark.
The Marro Oorah, or feathered Belt, which is put on the
Erreerahigh when the Sacrifice is first made and the Eye presented, is about 12 feet
long, and about 14 Inches wide, one half is made of Yellow Feathers stitched on
Cloth, and the other half is some Red English Buntin without any feathers. The
Ends are wrought, with feathers, in divisions, which give a change to the form of
it, and are the parts which hang as ornaments when worn by the King. The
Yellow - Feathers are diversified by narrow stripes of red feathers, it is however not
remarkably elegant or neatly made. [Plate 16, top]
We took our repast very heartily, and with <experienced> the
most attentive and kind Welcome ever Men had. [In ML ‘ever Men had’ is crossed
out, Bligh evidently having tempered somewhat his earlier enthusiasm.] Our
conversation turned various ways. They spoke in a very reprehensive manner of
Christian, and said they were very happy that Captain Edwards had carried so
many of them <his People> away. Coleman the Armourer they said cried when he
spoke of me and told them that he was not concerned in the busyness, and
<that he> had declared so to me when I was drove <driven> away from the Ship,
on this account they said they had considered him as a good Man, and were glad to
hear I had forgiven him. Churchill & Thompson they said lived at Tairraboo, where
being jealous of each other, Churchill induced the Chiefs to Endeavour to steal
Thompsons Musquet and Pistol, The Friends of Thompson informed him of it, he
therefore on the first sight of Churchill shot him through the Body. This produced
an utter aversion in the Chiefs to Thompson, they laid hold of him in return and
beat his Brains out, thus these two Villains <unfortunate Wretches > affected their
own destruction, and avoided the punishment that <otherwise> awaited them.
I was particular in my questions to know how it was that
<why> the Marro which we had known to be kept at Attahooroo, together with
the God Oro and Temple Tebboo - taboo,atoiah, should be now at Oparre. The
General answer was, that they had been - at War with the Attahooroo People, and
had seized their God and brought him to Oparre. This I find really to have been the
Case, and that the Bounty's People assisted with their Musquetry.
Before the present Otow's [marginal note ‘The Father of
Tynah’ ] time, it appears that Attahooroo was the principal residence of the
Erreerahigh. In my last Voyage, I have given an account of the Principal People as
far back as Otow's Father, which I find perfect, and from this and the information
these People give me, <it appears that> the Power of Tootahah, who was a great
Chief, and Otow's 'Uncle, Was the Cause of the Marro and Tebbo, tabooataiah
remaining at Attahooroo; but as he had been a long time dead, and those people
having <had> injured them, they went to War and Conquered the whole District.
The Moon was now nine Days Old. I asked the Name of the
Month and Tootahah told me as he had done 1788 that it was (Ahounoonu or ) April.
About Noon we all returned to the ship.
Sunday, April 29th
Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes the Thermometer from 81 to 83 ½ Degrees.
Mustered the Ships Company, Saw them all clean Dressed.
Performed Divine Service. Gave leave for Six Men to go on Shore for exercise.
Plentiful supplies. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the
Monday April 30th
Ditto Weather [i.e., same as yesteday] Employed in the Hold. Carpenters Caulking
the Larboard side and making Extra places for the Plants on the Quarter Deck.
Cooper repairing Casks and making Tubs. Received 3 ½ Tons of Stone Ballast.
Plentifull supplies of Fruit, Roots and Hogs.
Our Post is little incommoded by the Natives. In the Evenings
they collect to see the Marines go through their Manovies <Manoeuvres>, but at
Sun down they retire and all becomes quiet. The Plants are doing well. I have this
day 1194 Pots filled and 4 Tubs <filled>, 1094 Pots and 4 Tubs have Breadlfruit
Plants in them.
I have forgot on the 28th to give a description of the great
Evatah, or Evatarow [e fata roa, it is an altar large; Plate 16, bottom] as it is
called, on which the Hogs were lying. This famous Altar is formed by three Rows of
stout Posts about 8 feet high, thirty six in number arranged regularly so that the
whole space of ground it takes up, may be nearly forty feet by ten. From the Top of
one Post to the other, Poles are secured to form a platform which is covered with
small branches and leaves to receive the Offerings. round the sides the Evatah is
prettily ornamented <ornament> with a Curtain of Cocoa Nutt leaves.
Tuesday, May 1st
Fine Weather with Land and Sea Breezes at SSE and East. Thermometer from 81
to 84 Degrees.
Employed Caulking the Larboard side, making places for the
Plants on. the Quarter Deck, and in the Hold. Repairing Casks. Received 3 ½ Tons
of Ballast per Launch.
We continue to have Plentifull Supplies and have Salted 13
Hogsheads of fine Pork. A few families are now getting to Matavai, and we have a
great <greater> number of People collecting, Peace being established. Poeno is also
come in, and has intercourse with Oparre People as usual, but I have forbade him to
see me, untill the Property of Captain Weatherhead is returned. They say it is at
Teturoah, and shall be brought in as soon as the Wind will permit them to send for
it. This will be more that I expect, for today Mr. Bond bought two 'Dollars for a
few trifles he had about him, it is probable therefore that no one person has it in his
Wednesday, May 2nd
Cloudy Weather and Light Variable Wind and Calms. Thermometer from 81 to 83
Employed in the Hold. Carpenters making places for the Plants
on the Quarter Deck, and caulking the Larboard side. Received 3 Tons of Ballast.
Very sufficient supplies.
The People began to collect about Matavai, and particularly
Women and Children. A Woman with a Child of about 18 months old, calling herself
the Wife of McIntosh (late of the Bounty and gone home in the Pandora) came to
me to day and told me, she had constantly lived with McIntosh, and he was the
Father of the Child, a fine little Girl, she had then in her Arms.
This Woman with several others had been with Christian to
Tobooai. [Marginal note; ‘see 10th April’] She related that they stayed two months
there with the Ship. Christians intentions were to settle at that Island , and <he>
had begun to build Houses, and a Battery to defend himself, with the Ships Guns.
Teeneerow and Arrowytaihoah two principal Chiefs on the Island, on seeing their
<this> proceedings objected to their <his> stay. Altercations ensued and at last
War was declared on both sides, many of the Islanders lost their lives. Christian
however did not find it safe to remain among them, and therefore Embarked with
all his Party. They arrived at Otaheite two Days afterwards, when such different
ways of thinking arose among them, and the principal Chief treated Christian with
so much coolness that he determined to part with those who were discontented, and
immediately to set Sail. It <this> took place in the course of 16 Hours, and the
Bounty left Matavai with some Natives on board [marginal note: Tobooi Men
Taheite Men Boys Women’] never to return again. The only knowledge of his
proceedings in future was, he declared openly his intentions to look for some land
that would Suit his plan of making a Settlement, and <that> then <he> would
haul the Ship on Shore and break her up.
This Woman who calls herself Mary (and her Child Elizabeth,
for she says all the Mens Wives had English names) constantly remarked that
McIntosh, Coleman, Hilbrant, Norman <Norman, Hilbrant>, 'Byrne, and Ellison,
scarce <scarcely> ever spoke of me without crying. Stewart and Haywood were
perfectly satisfied with their situation as any two Villains could be, [in ML ‘as
any two Villains could be’ is crossed out] and so were the rest of them. They
deserved to be killed she said; but hoped those who had cried for me would not be
hurt. She agreed with Tabbyroos [Tapiru] account that Coleman was obliged to
swim from the Ship <Christian> by Stealth, for he was detained as being <a>
Blacksmith and a usefull Man.
So perfectly had this Woman been informed of the whole Story,
that she told me of all the Men who came into my Cabbin and assisted to tye my
Hands, and <said> that no Person beside myself were tied.
It appears that the Ship lay in an open Road at Toobooi, and
Rode out some Gales of Wind.
Tynah, Otow, and Oreepyah with their Wives, are always with
me at Dinner. We continue on the best footing with the Natives, and our Plants
thrive so fast as gives <to give> me great satisfaction. Out of so great a number a
few are not so flourishing, and I have therefore, directed about 68 to be shifted.
Our Sick List consists only of Venereals, and the People unfit
for duty owing to boils about their extremities, which the change of diet has occasioned.
Thursday, May 3rd
Land and Sea Breezes SE and E by N with some Westerly breezes in the Morning.
Thermometer from 81 to 82½ Degrees.
Employed in the Hold <and> Caulking the sides, and building
places for the Plants on the Quarter Deck. Received 4 Tons of ballast per Launch.
Cooper repairing Casks and making Tubs for the Plants. [Marginal note: ‘Stone
Ballast in all taken in here 22 Tons. Ships Draught of Water 15 feet 8 inches
abaft, 14 feet 5 inches forward’]
Sufficient supplies of every kind.
No Chiefs of any consequence have yet to come to see us, except
the Otoo family. The Matavai People have begun to erect some Sheds, but a number
of them nave not yet returned, so that it is not clear to me that good fellowship is
yet established among them, altho Poeeno is here and is on very good terms with
our Oparre Friends. I do not suffer him to visit me notwithstanding, but have given
him permition to come on board on the Money being returned belonging to Captain
Weatherhead. By Messages he assures me it shall be brought, I however doubt it
being in his power. A Dollar was brought to me to day <to day was brought to
me>, «and» offered in exchange for a Knife, this is the third we have
received – and I fear the whole is not to be got, it being in the possession of many
Proprietors, at least among those who will think themselves so.
Some of our Gentlemen <Lieut. Tobin> made an excursion to
day <accompanied by Mr. Franklin, the Surgeon of the Assistant> which terminated
in being outwitted by an Indian, the loss of <and losing> their Jackets and a brace of Pistols.
I have taken the greatest pains to explain to my Officers and
People in general how little they were to rely on the fidelity of Indians. Direct
orders, that all those who had leave to go on Shore should return to the Post before
Sun down <the Sun was set>. «I» informed them that if they took distant Walks
without having a Chief with them, they were subject to be insulted and stript of
their Cloaths <Clothes>, besides showing them the many consequences which would
hurt the general good; yet these Gentlemen tired even of wearing their own Jackets,
pulled them off with the only Arms they had <being> in the Pockets, and gave the
whole to a worthless fellow to carry, who had thought it worth his trouble to
follow them. A short time after, gave him an opportunity to lead them into an
intricate and blind Path, where without any ceremony he abruptly took his leave,
and left his Benefactors to find the way home by themselves, which they did not
accomplish untill 8 OClock.
I determined on giving <to give> the Chiefs no uneasyness
about the matter, and would not have them spoke of <spoken > to about it. The Theft
was very unfairly and unjustly thrown on a Servant of Oreepyah’s, when the Fact
was, they <the Gentlemen> had picked up a worthless fellow of Itteeah [Hitia'a],
and had fancified him like a Man they had seen, who they were told was belonging <belonged > to Orrepyah.
This day we shifted 68 Pots of Plants that were not so well
looking as I could wish, and planted 16 Tubs and Boxes.
Friday, May 4th
Light Winds at E by N, SE, NW and Calms. Thermometer from 79 to 83 Degrees.
Employed <in> Caulking. In the Hold, about the Rigging. Making
Extra Places for the plants. Making Tubs and Boxes to contain them. Sufficient
supplies of Breadfruit, Cocoa Nutts, Vees, Plantains, and Tarro. Finished Caulking
the Sides Bends.
In the Morning our old Friend the Queen Dowager, Oberreeroah,
arrived from Moreah, and her Daughter. Nothing could exceed their joy and kind
congratulations, in the midst of which they disavowed any friendly intercourse with
Christian, and exculpated their whole family. It is remarkable the pains all the
Chiefs have taken to prevent any stigma lying with them on that account.
On <as for> Oberreeroah, excepting that she has grown a little
more corpulent than when I last saw her, time has made no alteration. Her
corpulency has ever since I knew her, been a burthen to her, and as it creates
indolence, she finds difficulty in Walking. As coming up over our lofty sides was
troublesome, I gave them great pleasure by hoisting her<them> into the Ship in a Chair.
Wowwo who is now called Whyerreddee, & <who> in my last
Voyage was cured of Scrofula by Mr Ledwards, enquired particularly after him,
and acknowledged the great good he had done her. She was now in perfect health
except an ulcer she had in her right leg about the Ankle <Ankle>, which she said
was not the same disease as she had before, & requested the Surgeon to cure it.
All the Otoo family are now here.
Otow -------------------------------Father
Oberreeroah ----------------------Mother
Toury-------------------------------Eldest Daughter & Child
Tynah ------------------------------Eldest Son & 2nd Child
Oreepyah-------------------------- Third Child & Son
Wydooah --------------------------Fourth D[itt]o - a Son
Wowwo ----------------------------Fifth D[itt]o - a Daughter
Teppahoo --------------------------Sixth D[itt]o a Son
Wowwo's Husband who in my last Voyage I mentioned was
Ereerahigh ofMoreah is since Dead. The present Chief is called Mahow [marginal
note: ‘See 8th May’] a Nephew of Oberreereah, he is always with us and very
pleasant good Creature. He informs me that there are only Six Horned Cattle at
Moreah. [Marginal note: Mr Norris saw 6 cows and one Bull’.]
Oberreeroah had only a few Attendants with her, who all shared
in my good wished towards her. Among the many things I gave to them, linnen Bed
Gowns pleased them the most. Tynah, Iddeeah, Wyerreddee, and Hammennemanne
dined with me, as in general they do every Day, but Oberreeroah and Wowwo eat
nothing untill they got on Shore in the Evening.
An account was brought me to day, that Pooeno and all his
adherents had left Matavai and fled to Itteeah, the cause of this was owing to an
attempt of Wydooah (the younger Bro. of Tynah] to seize the Musquets which
Tabyroo had the charge of and kept at a distance from Matavai.
There has been a great deal of Art in this busyness which they
have nevertheless failed in. <in which they have nevertheless failed>.
Hammennemmme was taught to tamper with me, and had artfully recommended to
me, as a thing between ourselves, to ask Poeeno on board, and then make a Prisoner
of him untill the Arms were returned. I would have done it had I been ready to SaiI,
or my Plants safe, but at present it particularly behoves me to be quiet.
This day we shifted 60 Pots and Planted 6 Tubs and Boxes.
Saturday, May 5th
Fine Weather and East Winds varying at Night to the SSE & SE of the Land.
Thermometer 82 to 84 Degrees.
Employed in the Hold completeing the Ground Tier with
Ballast. Cooper making Tubs for Plants, and the Carpenters making Boxes. In the
Afternoon the People employed <in> mending their Cloaths.
Our supplies to day were not so plentifull, we are however able
to keep four or <and > five Days Hogs always in the Sty, & Fruit and Roots we
have sufficient.
Some of our plants have already given fine Shoots, and <there
are> very few that have not evident signs of vegetation. A few were still
backward, we have therefore shifted 26 Pots and planted 14 Tubs and Boxes.
In my Walk today I found a few Matavai People in their
Dwellings, it appeared to me that these People were become attached to the Oparre
interest. Tynah took me to an Oopeowpah (or Concert) there were three Flutes and
two Drums. These performances do not want for harmony, there is notwithstanding
such sameness in the Airs, and dull heavy sounds, that we soon became tired of the
Performance, altho the Natives are delighted with it. These kind of amusements
were formerly called Haivahs, but the word Haivah being given to Tomaree Erree
of Papparrah as a name, they are now called Oopeowpah.
Sunday, May 6th
Land and Sea Breezes with Calms. The Thermometer from 81 to 83½ Degrees.
Sufficient Supplies.
Mustered the Ships Company after Washing & Cleaning Ship. A
more healthy set of Men were never seen. The Sick List contains three Venereals
and one Man with a Fever which he caught by coming on Deck in the Night
without his Cloaths, very severe Cramp has seized his limbs. Performed Divine Service.
Oreepyah to day Brought back the things that had been taken
away from Mr. Tobin and Mr. Franklin. His attention and diligence on the occasion deserved praise, and I promised him not to forget it. <Made him a present of a Shirt and some Iron.>
I saw a Dwarf about Eight Years old. The Boys head was very large. The
Body was tolerably proportioned but the thighs, and Legs particularly were
very short. His Height was 31 Inches, and all the People agreed that he would
never be and taller. His name was Tommah, but he was commonly called Hai,ah (or
Dwarf.) He was without four of the upper fore teeth, all the rest were perfect.
Since my account of the 30th we have Completed (as per daily
account) with Breadfruit Plants 26 Boxes and 13 Tubs each having 3 and most of
them 4 Plants. The number of Breadfruit Plants that we have shifted amount to 154.
Total of Breadfruit Other Fruits &
Pots ------------- 1090 Pots of Vees -------------- 25
Tubs ------------ 17+7See 26th May Do. of Rattahs ------------ 25
Boxes----------- 26 Do. of Ayrahs------------- 25+
Do. of Oraiahs ------------12
Do. of Pee,ahs------------- 9
Do. of Ettow----------------6
Do. of Mattee-------------- 6
Monday, May 7th
Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes SSE and East. Thermometer from 81 to
83 ½ Degrees. At Night we had a light Shower of Rain. Sufficient Supplies.
Carpenters Employed making Extra places for the Plants.
Hauled the Launch ashore to repair <her> and to raise <her> a strake higher.
Hands going on with such parts of the Rigging as it is not necessary to have
exposed to the Weather. We continue on the best footing with the Natives, and
our Plants promise to do well.
An account was brought to me to day from Tabyroo, that the
Money was come from Teturoah, and he only wanted some person to come for
<fetch> it, lest by sending it with <by> any of his own people some accident
might happen and prevent my getting it after all his trouble. In consequence I
directed Mr. Norris with the Matilda's People to go for the Money to morrow.
Tuesday, May 8th
Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes at SE & E by N. Thermometer from 81
to 84 Degrees.
Employed the Carpenters making Extra Places for the Plants,
and at Work on the Launch. Some hands going on with the Rigging.
Early in the Morning I had a Visit from Toeepoee [Toipoi ?],
the Wife [now widow] of Poohaitaih Otee, a Chief of Iteeah. He as a fne active
young Man and highly respected. I have mentioned him in my last Voyage as a
Person who was fed in the same manner as Tynah. Nothing can exceed the
vehemence with which his Wife expressed herself against Capt. Vancouver's
Ship, - ‘it was there he caught his illness as did many others.’ I endeavoured to do
away the belief she had of the disease originating with the Discovery [i.e.,
Vancouver's ship], but it was to no effect, she continued firm in her opinion. She
described the disease as every person has done before, to be a flux and some
vomiting. I made her up a Present of every article I had.
Tynah was called away suddenly this Morning to Oparre
without my knowledge. On his return he told me he had been to Pooray [pure,
marginal note: ‘to pray’], for he had ordered a Man at Tiarraboo to be sacrificed and
sent here to be presented to the Etuah. About 12 OClock, Iddeah who was on
board, showed me a Cannoe going past the Ship with a human sacrifice from
Wannah a Chief of Happy,ano, this was not offered to the Etuah, but to Otoo the
Errerahigh. I was unwell all this day and did not dare go to Oparre where I must
be exposed to the Sun, from the accounts however, it was of no consequence, as I
should not have seen any thing more than I have remarked on the 28th April.
These Sacrifices are truly Shocking and Savage, and I am sorry
to say I find they are made not only on solemn occasions, but on the most trifling
differences between great & inferior Chiefs, & upon the Erreerahigh's sudden whim
or desire of praying to his Etuah.
The Cause of the <This> Sacrifice from Wannah was owing to
his not having assisted Whydooah, his Brother Chief in getting the Arms from
Tabyroo; but <he was> the Means of their being carried off. [Marginal note: ‘See
4th’] This gave great dispfeasure to Tynah & Otoo. Wannah sollicited forgiveness
& permition to live on the footing he had done before with them, but they refused
untill after many concessions, they agreed to take him into favor again on his
presenting a Sacrifice to the Erreerahigh. Upon any of these occasions it is sufficient
for the dead body to be sent to the Erreerahigh, wrapt up in a platted Cocoa Nutt
Branch fastened to a Pole to carry it by <by which it is carried>. The body to day
was in a Cannoe with only «one» man to conduct it.
I cannot arrive at <discover> the Cause, to my satisfaction, of
the sacrifice from Tiarraboo, all that I can make of it is <I believe it was> soley
an act of Devotion.
In my last Voyage I have given a particular account of the
Principal Families of this Island. (See Folio 327) From a connection in the female
line, the present Otows Grandmother being Sister to the then King of Tiarraboo, his
grand child [marginal note: ‘Tynahs 2nd Son Terreeapanooai’ is now become Erree
of that place, the Heirs of Whaeeahtuah in the male line being now extinct. The late
Whaeeahtuah whose Wife [marginal note: ‘Whyerrafddee’] Tynah is now connected
with, died without any Children, and on his death - (since my fast Voyage)
Terreetapanooai Tynah's second Son was sent to Tiarraboo to be elected; or more
properly, acknowledged Eree of that part of the Island.
The Tiaraboo People always insisted that Whaeeahtuah was
Erreerahigh of that Country, & Otoo Erreerahigh of the Western part of the Island,
but all the Otoo family & <their> connections, say there is only one Erreerahigh.
Their power however has not marked any superiority over the Tiarraboo People
since our time, and the present Terreetapanooai, has taken the Name of
Whaeeahtuah. We may date the birth of the Boy in the Year 1787 and his being
acknowledged as Erree in 1790.
It is a remarkable thing that Otow and Oberreroah with all
their Sons should be perfectly free of the Evil [Kings’ Evil; struma, goiter] or any
Scrofulous disease & that their Daughters should be infected with it. Tynah and
Iddeah also perfectly free <and> with every appearance of the most healthy people,
have their only Daughter Tahamydooah infected with it about the Glands of the
Throat. But in Iddeahs Children there is an exception of <to> the the disease following
the female line, for her last Child Oroho (a boy of 18 Months Old) has the disease
broke out in his groin. May <not> this be owing to Iddeah having intercourse with
too many different Men? I am of opinion from the great number of different Men
who cohabit with one Woman in this Country, originates the Venereal disease
which it is infested with in a dreadful degree <the Venereal disease which prevails
very much originates>.
I find that Otoo is betrothed to his Cousin Tarroaheinee a Child
of His Aunt Wowwo, born since 1789, so that I have observed before, first Cousins
marry. This is a very fine little girl about 12 Months Old, and is to all appearance
free of any disease, altho its Mother is Scrofulous in a high degree. The father
Moduarro Chief of Morean when I was here in the Bounty, is dead, & his Son
Tettoo,anovee elected in his stead. Mahow who <whom> I have mentioned on the
4th last [actually on May 3rd ] has only an honorary title on account of the great
esteem that Moduarro had for him. I imagine Tettooanovee is about 4 Years Old.
Wednesday, May 9th
Fine Weather with Land and Sea Breezes and Calms. Thermometer from 80½ to
83½ Degrees.
Employed <in> ~making places for the Plants repairing the
Launch <and> fitting Blocks and other necessary parts of the Rigging. Sufficient
Supplies but not abundance <abundant> as in the beginning.
I have always Tynah and his Relations about me. They dine
with me every day. A few People from different places of little note have been to
see us, to whom Tynah has according to his usual custom distributed Toey's, Knives
Etc. Etc.- this little power which I have always accustomed him to, pleases him
exceedingly, and I must acknowledge he has never abused the indulgence but on the
contrary acted with the greatest frugality.
About Noon Mr. Norris returned from Tabyroo who has now
retreated far back into the Mountains complaining of the treachery of his People – a
number of them having left him. With a few trusty fellows he however kept
possession of the Musquets & were <was> determined not to give them up.
All the Money that was in his power to procure we <he> had
now got, which was delivered to Mr. Norris, and Mr. Marshall the Chief Mate [of
the Matilda]; it was 172 Dollars and three half Crown pieces - ten other Dollars
were received at the Post which made 182 Spanish Dollars in the whole, and a
Watch belonging to the late Chief Mate No 3827 Makers Name Jan Henkels
Amsterdam. This was a Silver Watch Value about 30 Shillings. Here ends our
Negotiation with Tybyroo for Money, as he has declared he can get no more, it is
however not half of what the Captain [of the Matilda] States he left behind him.
[Marginal note: ‘see 10th April’]
Otoo Visits us every day at the Post and returns to Oparre in
the Evening as soon as the Sun sets. He sits the whole day on the Shoulders of
some one of his Servants for he has a number with him who shift every quarter or
half hour. He amuses himself with childish tricks and going among our people. I date
the Year of his Birth 1783.
Thursday, May 10th
Fair Weather and Cloudy, with Calms and Variable Winds. Thermometer from 80
to 82½ Degrees.
Sufficient supplies of every article.
Employed building extra places for the Plants. Cooper making
Tubs for D[itt]o. Carpenters about the Launch. Hands about the Rigging.
Mr. Ridgeway, <The> Surgeons 1st Mate brought a Guinea to
me today which was offered to him by one of the Natives for a Knife. It is <a>
part of Captain Weatherheads Money.
Friday, May 11th
Calms and Variable Winds with very Cloudy Weather and a little shower of Rain.
Thermometer from 81 to 82½ Degrees. Sick List 9 Venereals.
Employed as Yesterday. Punished James Combes Marine [the
Drummer] with 12 lashes for having disobeyed my orders, and having connection
with a Woman while he was infected with the Venereal disease. Nothing but
severe punishment or <not> even that will prevent these Wretches from
committing this infamous act among these poor people.
Every thing remains quiet, and but few of the Natives about
us - we have however sufficient supplies.
In addition to my constant Guests Tynah and his Wives, &
Brother Oreepyah, I had my old Friend Moan,nah or Monah, spoken of in my last
Voyage. He then quitted me from a fear of my displeasure in not getting the Deserters.
Saturday, May 12th
Cloudy Weather with Variable Winds round the Compass & Calms. Sea Breeze a
few Hours in the Afternoon. Thermometer from 80 to 82½ Degrees.
Employed Working and Cleaning.
While I was at Van Diemans [sic] Lard I procured a quantity
of Plants of the Metrocedera, to enable me to make Boxes and extra places for my
Plants, this has given me an opportunity to remark, that the Wood which Strangers
would imagine was fit for the common purposes of building is not, in fact, worth
any thing or valuable for any purpose, but Fuel, when sawn into Planks, it is so
inclinable to Warp and Split. Small Spars however we find strong and usefull for
such purposes as do not require them to be cut out of their natural shape.
Oreepyah, with his Nephew Otoo, (the King) &
Hammennemanne came to take their leave of me on their going to Paparrah to see
their Relation Tomaree the Chief of that place, who lies very Ill and is expected to
die; 'But their principal object is to see what can be done; to take <whether they
can bring > away some Musquets which the People of that District are in possession
of from the Seamen of the Matilda’s Boat who put in there. Nothing can equal the
rage these people have after Arms. There is nothing they would not sacrifice to
procure them, but the Parties who have them in possession I believe are too wise to
part with them. Could the Otoo Family get Arms I have no doubt but they would
govern the whole Country - a Right they say is inherent in themselves.
Before they set out on their expedition it was necessary to
consult me. Tynah therefore came with the party to give <exert> his interest for
them to be equipped <that they might be provided > with presents of different
kinds, as would <to> insure them a welcome reception.
I indulged him in the most <things> he asked for, and they left
us with light hearts, dressed in European Clothes, and <with> a large quantity of
Iron Work and trinkets in their bundles.
We have now so few people about us that I have no new
circumstances to relate - the day passes over in quiet, and the busyness of the Ship
<is> carried on without interruption as we have seldom fifty of the Natives on
board at any one time. A few cannoes are generally passing and repassing, and those
supply us with as much as we are in need of.
Matavai still remains a deserted Village [i.e., neighbourhood],
some Families however are come in, and the Women and Children have their little
amusements as I have described (common to them) in my fast Voyage.
Towards Tarrah (which divides Matavai from Oparre) a great
deal of injury is done to the finest of the Trees – numbers of them are barked all
round and are in a dying state, but others have been considered of such Value,
<that> the Natives have endeavoured to save them by laying on a bandage of
plaster <plaister> of clayish kind of soil round the wound, and wraping
<wrapping> it carefully over with leaves. Here we find among a set of People,
(whose minds are uncultivated,) what has lately been extolled in our own Country
as an ingenious devise <invention> of Dr. Fothergill; with this difference, <that> I
cannot assert there is any Cow dung in the composition.
Not far from this spot, was the evidence of Peter Haywood the
Villain who assisted in taking the Bounty from me. His House was on <at> the
foot of Hill, the top of which gave him a fine look out. He had regulated his
Garden & <the> Avenue to his House with some taste, the latter was made
conspicuous by a Row of fine Shaddock Trees, which, like other favourite things,
suffered in the late War. The care with which all the Villain <Mutineers>
regulated their domestic concerns, and the account I have <received> of them, give
the dearest proofs they enjoyed <that enjoyed they> their Situation, if it was
possible, burthened with the heinous crimes they had been guilty of – happily
perhaps it was ordained they should be entrapped through their own seduction. <If
it was possible for them to do so, burthened as their minds must have been with the
recollections of the Injustice and Cruelty they had committed against me and the
people whom they forced out of the Bounty.> [Note: This revision in ML is in a
hand different from that written by Bligh himself in his ML Journal - perhaps by
his clerk, Hatfell?]
Sunday, May 13th
Cloudy Weather at times and a few Showers of Rain in the Night. Wind E by N.
Thermometer from 80 to 82 Degrees.
Saw every Person clean and as usual on this Day I performed
Divine Service. This being the Po no t Etuah [po no te Atua, night of the God], as
the Natives call it, we have fewer of them about us, as they see we observe to keep
it without <it by not> doing any Work.
Monday, May 14th
Light Variable Airs and Calms most of the day and a Sultry heat. Wind at East
towards the Evening. Thermometer from 80 to 84 Degrees.
Employed <in> building Extra places for the Plants and
repairing the Launch. Moderate supplies.
This Morning examined all our Plants, and arranged all the
doubtfull ones <so> as to be ready for shifting after another Week’s tryal <trial>.
Happily I have but few that will require it and on the whole every thing turns out
as my anxious mind wishes it.
Tuesday, May 15th
This day we had light Westerly Winds and Calms. The Clouds hung heavy about
the Hills and promised Rain, but it did not reach the low land. Thermometer from
81 to 84 Degrees.
We have now but very few Natives about us, we have
nevertheless sufficient supplies.
As I now happily found my Nervous complaint much removed, I
got my Observatory up and my Astronomical Quadrant ready to make some
observations for the Rate of my Time Keepers, which I have hitherto examined by
daily altitudes in the afternoon, and horizon being open to the NW.
Wednesday, May 16th
We had mostly Calms to day except a few hours in the afternoon when a light
Easterly breeze backing the Clouds that had been driven from the Westward,
produced a fine refreshing Rain which not only benefitted our Plants but the whole
Country. The Thermometer from 78 to 81 Degrees.
I find that the cause of our having but few People about us, is
their being gone to Papparah. Only Tynah and his Wife Whyerreddee remain with
us.<me>. Our supplies are sparing, but we are generally provided against such
times, by keeping a sufficient Stock in hand. Our Carpenters are Employed <in>
making places for the Plants and the Boatswain about the Rigging.
In the Morning I had the Seine hauled near the East Head of
Tarrah, and caught 190 lbs of fine Fish –Cavallies from 2 to 10 lb. Weight – fine
Mullet - Horse Mackerel – kind of herring - a number of small Fish something like a
Gurnet and a few other sorts not known. Served an allowance to each Man.
Thursday, May 17th
Untill 4 O'Clock this afternoon it was generally Calm, the remaining part of the
day light Winds, at E by N & ESE and Cloudy Weather throughout.
Thermometer from 79 to 82 Degrees.
Employed repairing the Launch, and about the Rigging.
Very few Natives about our Post, or Ship, and our supplies
today confined to Breadfruit, Vees, and Plantains. The Venereal list is now
increased to 10. Two of them have been under care ever since we left Tenariffe.
Our Plants benefit by the Cloudy Weather and are in general in
a thriving State.
Friday, May 18th
Light Winds, Calms and Cloudy Weather. At Sea Wind generally at ESE. In
<the> Morning and Afternoon some smart Showers of Rain. Thermometer from 78
to 81½ Degrees.
Employed repairing the Launch, fitting extra places and stands
for the Plants. Refitting the rigging.
Very few Natives about us, and excepting my Friend <Friends>
Tynah and Monah no person of consequence, so that we have no bustle or anything
passing curious or interesting. We still have a sufficient supply of Provisions to
enable me to continue an allowance of 1½ lbs of Pork per Man with as much
Breadfruit, Cocoa Nutts, Plantains and Vees as can be used.
Some of our People who have sent to the River for Water have
lately been insulted by some worthless fellows, who threw Stones and dirt at them,
and endeavoured to take away their Cloaths. I thought it proper to punish such
unfriendly behavior, and one of the offenders appearing at <on> the Post, I ordered
him to be seized and put in Irons. I had little difficulty to explain to the Natives
the cause of it, when they all exclaimed ‘You have done right to kill him’ – indeed they
seemed not to interest themselves about him, altho they told me he was a person
belonging to Oreepyah.
Saturday,May 19th
During the Morning Calms with light Winds and much Rain. Towards Noon the
Weather came fair with light East Winds but at Sea it appeared very Squally and
Wind to the S.E. Towards Midnight it blew fresh from the ESE. <Thermometer
from> [incomplete]
Employed cleaning Ship, Washing and mending Cloaths.
Moderate Supplies.
At 2 O'Clock this Morning a Native under a cover of a thick
Squall of Rain opened the Port of the first Lieutenant's Cabbin, and took from him
the Sheet that covered him in his Bed, which was not discovered untill the last Inch
of it was pulled from him. Boats were sent after the Native but to no effect, the
Night was so dark it favored his escape. Whether this Man had hid himself at Sun
set when all the natives are turned out of the Ship, or had Swam off we cannot
determine - it appears however that he had made an attempt on the same Article
about Midnight; but Mr. Bond not suspecting the twitches he had felt
<which he felt and which had > awakened him, to be real; went to sleep again.
What is remarkable, I found on enquiry, that the Centinels on Deck, and the one at
my Cabbin Door (whose walk is before Mr. Bond's & guards each equally) and the
Mate and Midshipmen of the Watch were all attentive to their Duty.
Tynah as usual dined with me. After Dinner I told him I had a
man in Irons who <whom> I intended to punish for insulting my officers and
People. He agreed with me that the Man deserved it, and I ordered him to receive
36 lashes on his posteriors <back sides>. He received the punishment without
moaning, or winsing, for it was not in the power of the Boatswain to make him beg forgiveness. <I have observed that no impression can be made on their [ ?] and
therefore this [ ? ?] but this man received the punishment without mourning or
whining> It must be owing to me bodies of these people being constantly exposed,
their feeling <that they feel> so little of a punishment which is exceeding
<exceedingly> severe, in all other cases they are as susceptible of pain as we are. I
ordered the prisoner again into Irons.
In the Morning we were so successful with the <our> Seine as
supplied every Person <that every person was supplied> in a plentiful manner.
They <the People> Caught 300 lbs Weight of fine Cavallies.
Sunday, May 20th
Strong Winds and Fair Weather ESE. Thermometer 78 ½ to 81½ Degrees.
Mustered the Ships Company and saw them all Clean Dressed.
Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a Party to go on Shore.
Another Complaint was made to me to day of a Native beating
one of the Seamen and giving him a black Eye. The Parties happened to be on
board, I could therefore here <hear> the Story on both sides which went so much
against the Native that I ordered the Seaman to take his own satisfaction. A few
strong blows made his antagonist jump into the Sea.
In my general orders I forbade either Man or Officer to redress his
own grievance with a Native, or to strike him upon any pretence whatever. Many
worthless fellows have taken an advantage of this; I however expect I have
prevented it happening in future, if the <they> Chiefs have done as they have
promised me, to warn <warned> all their People of the Punishment that will
attend them.
Monday, May 21st
Strong Breezes at ESE Moderating at Night and the Wind at Sea at SE.
Thermometer from 77½ to 81 ½ Degrees.
Sent the Fore Top Sail on Shore to repair. Carpenters about th
Launch and others completing places for the Plants. Hands about the Rigging.
Sufficient Supplies, but very few Natives about us.
After Dinner Tynah sollicited me to forgive the Man who
<whom> I had in Irons. He promised ardently not to behave ill again. I therefore
forgave him and he was dismissed.
Tuesday, May 22nd
Moderate Breezes at E. and ESE and fair Weather. Thermometer from 76 to 81½
Degrees. Some light Rain.
Employed as Yesterday.
Our Plants appear to thrive. We have very few in a doubtfull
state. Up to this day, the total number of Plants that have been shifted amount to
270. See 6 May. I have now got the most of my Plants that I brought from
England and the Cape of Good Hope, planted in such places <places>, where I hope
they will be taken care of. The principal dependence I have is with <upon> an Old
Man in the Country who I have spoken of as Mr. Nelson’s friend for the care he has
taken of some Shaddock Trees.
Our supplies are brought off so scantily to the Ship, that I am
now obliged to send a Boat, about the Shore between this and Oparre to trade for
Hogs. I never saw so few people about us, as at this time. Tynah and Monah are
the only People of consequence who dine with me generally every day. Nothing new
occurs. The day passes with me in attending to the different duties of the Ship
<and> the Welfare of the Plants, and it: <which> fully occupies my time. The
Matavians are all absent, the Plain is destitute of Inhabitants except a few
Strangers or people who do not consider it their place of abode. Poeeno and
Tabyroo are fled, and every thing respecting the War is over and peace established .
Wednesday, May 23rd
Wind at East. Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather lessening at Night with some
Calms. Rain in the Mountains and a light sprinkling at the Post. Thermometer from
76 to 81½ Degrees. These three Weeks past we have had no swell in the Bay or
Surf on the Shore.
So very little is brought to the Ship that I am obliged to send
the Boat to Oparre [Plate 23]for Provisions of every kind. Sailmakers repairing
Sails, Carpenters about the Launch and fixing a new Trussel Tree to the Main
Topmast the old one was carried away at Sea. On examining it I found it had been
Sprung before we left England and the Shipwright at Woolwich had disgracefully
attempted to secure it by nailing.
Hauled the Seine. Caught 50 Weight of Fish which was served
to the People.
The cause of our being scantilly supplied with Provisions I find
to be owing in some measure to curiosities being brought on board. Most of our
People and Officers have their Tyos, and these are the most wealthy of the
inhabitants, they therefore while they [the Tahitaian taio] find their Friends [the
English] pleased with trifles [i.e., ‘curiosities’] neglect to bring supplies, and are
encouraged in it as they [the English] value the curiosities more than any thing
eatable, while they conceive it must be found them, altho every person.[Tahitian]
receives the Market price, from the People who are authorized to Trade, when he
brings any article of food which has been brought on board to him by his Friend. I forbad
anything but food to be brought on board the Ship. The next Month and the latter
part of this is considered a scarce time for Breadfruit.
Thursday, May 24th
Fair Weather with some Showers of Rain. Wind at E. and E by S. Thermometer
from 80 to 82 Degrees.
Employed about the Rigging, Launch and repairing the Main
Top Sail. In the Morning hauled the Seine and Caught 150 lbs of fine Cavallies,
Horse Macral and Ribband Fish (having brilliant stripes that characterises them).
Washed and Cleaned Ship.
This Morning I was informed that an Indian had got by Stealth
into our Post last Night and stolen several articles of Cloaths - several
circumstances occurred, which if fact <true>, prove these people to have such
wonderfull expertness in thieving as exceeds all belief.
In the Night a fellow was seen about the Assistant with a
design of doing some mischief, the Boats were immediately sent after him, but the
Night was so dark he escaped. I have frequent conversations with Tynah respecting
the want of power or order in his government to prevent thieving. He has told me
that only good people could be governed by advice, Townahs [taona] (or Rogues) he
said would at all times when it was in their power, do mischief and commit Thefts
and could only be guarded against by a strict Watch, and <he> desired whenever
we had it in our power to put them to death, that an example might be made to
deter others. I cannot discover that they have any custom or law which inflict
punishment for particular Crimes by Trial. The Strongest Man, or the most
powerfull Chief decides in his own cause, but there is an appeal from the inferior
people of every District to their superior Chief who judges fairly of the matter in dispute.
Friday May 25th
Light Breezes Easterly and Calms with some light refreshing Showers of Rain.
Thermometer from 78 to 83 Degrees.
At Day light I had the Ship unmoored to examine the Cables,
which we found not at all injured. By 2 O'Clock we shifted our Birth a little more
to the NNE and moored with an open Hawse to the East Winds as I now
considered no Winds of any consequence to be expected from the Sea. Bearings, the
End of the Reef N 23 [degrees] W Point Venus N 23 [degrees] E Distant a Mile,
from the nearest beach ¼ of a Mile. The Head of Tarrah S 10 [degrees] W to S
27 [degrees] W. The Small Bower [anchor] in 10 fathoms and the Best Bower in 14
After Dinner Tynah and his Wives requested I would
accompany them to a Heivah. They are remarkably fond of these amusements, and as
my presence is sure to produce some <always produces > additional exertions and
more mirth among the People, from the presents I distribute among them, if any
thing is going on I am sure of being <to 6e> acquainted of it. Including Children the
number of Persons collected were about two hundred. The Performers were two Men
who did the interlude and a Women and a little Girl <did> the dancing part. The
Airahyree or platted Cocoa Nutt leaf was as usual brought to me, but not anything
<nothing> new in the performance.
In the Evening we gave great entertainment to the Natives by
setting off a Dozen Sky Rockets. We have ever found them highly delighted with
our Fire Works.
Saturday, May 26th
Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Wind E by N. The Thermometer 78 to 83½ Degrees.
Employed <in> Mending and Washing Cloaths as usual on this
day. Our supplies are sufficient, but we have very little more than we absolutely
want. Our Venereal is increased to 20.
I received a parcel of fine Breadfruit Plants to day from
Tiarraboo which are reckoned vastly superior to any at this place. I had heard of
this kind, and had such reports confirmed to me by the Chiefs, that I employed two
Men to go for them. Our Number of Plants are now increased by 7 Tubs containing
3 to 5 Plants each, 7 small Pots containing One and two each, and 7 extra Pots of
Ayyahs (the Jambo of Java). I have taken some small Bread fruit Trees [marginal
note: ‘7 feet high’] in very large Tubs such as half Hafhogsheads [?] I expect they
will stand the Sea if none of the others do. All the Plants are now in charming
order, spreading their leaves delightfully. I have completed fine airy <convenient>
places for them on the Quarter Deck and Galleries, and shall Sail with every inch of
space filled up. My anxious moments have been hitherto <anxiety hitherto has
been> to complete my Numbers, they are now <it is now to provide> for their
security. The greatest circumspection is observed at the Post, which is well guarded
to prevent any vicious designs of the Natives, altho I have no reason to suspect them.
Sunday, May 27th
This Day terminated with heavy Rain, Wind Variable. Thermometer from 78 to
83 ½ Degrees.
Mustered the Ships Company and saw every person clean dressed
and performed Divine Service.
I went on board the Assistant, where I found everything so
much <much> to my satisfaction as <which> gave me great pleasure, and a
continuance of satisfactory <I had continual> proofs of the Commanders good conduct.
Our supplies of Breadfruit are worse every day as are the
Plantains, but <of> Hogs, Vees an Mahie we have sufficient.
Tynah with his Wives dined as usual with me to day, he had
however taken such a dose of Avah before he came on board, that his common
allowance of Wine made him very drunk. While the height of the Fit was on him,
he was so convulsed as to require Six People to confine him to the Cabbin Deck.
Iddeeah, altho the cast off Wife, took more pains to assist him than Whyerreddee,
and after she had got him free of <recovered him from> the convulsions, put him to
sleep untill the morning, when at Day break he rose <was as> well as he had ever
been in his life.
A Towtow [teuteu] [marginal note: 'Slave or Servant'] in this
Country can never get permition to be connected with a Woman who is above him in situation, & to live <with her> publickly as Man & Wife. There are many
however who fall <many an one however falls> in love desperately where they <he> can
never expect any return to their <his> affections – not even <and
where> the inclination of the Woman bears the least in his favour <is not in the
feast favourable>, yet <in this case> he will wander about and meet her <his
mistress> at every turning in a disconsolate manner, at last comfortfess <till being
comfortless at last> he is left without any resource except an unnatural one which
suggests itself - the beastly Swain follows the <gratification except a very
extraordinary and beastly one, he follows his> Lady and deprives the earth of that
which she meant to be deposited in it. Of this strange and unnatural liking
<practice> I never heard before. I remember an account however of Muller's in his
History of Siberia and Russian Discoveries, that among the Kamchadales or
Koprjacks, (I forget which) when a Stranger is introduced into a Family, the Master
offers to him the prettiest of his Daughters or Women as a companion to him for
that Night, - on his expressing his approbation, he has presented to him a basin of
the Womans Urine made in his presence which he is obliged to drink, or forfeit the
hospitality and protection of the Tribe he is among.
In the beginning of the Night Tarah Hill [Plate 24] was
beautifully illuminated with Flambeaus to light Tynah over, who had stayed late at
Oparre, perhaps a prettier sight was never seen than the effect it had upon the
smooth Water about the Shore, for the lights were brilliant and numerous. When
any of the Royal Family pass over the Hill they have it lighted, as the Road is bad
and a fall likely to be attended with bad consequences.
Notwithstanding the rage the Otaheiteans have for our clothes
of every kind, yet we find some of them so honest that the People in general have
given them their Linnen to wash - no losses have yet been experienced, but every
thing returned in good order.
I have endeavoured by every means to get a knowledge whether
Marriage has any common and general ceremony attending it, to give legality to the
Man and Woman living together, and I find from the best collected accounts among
those People who are capable of giving me information , that any ceremony attending
Marriage is not general - the Women <there is no general ceremony attending
Marriage. With Chiefs and particular persons the Parents of the Woman> are
sollicited for their consent, and unti1l they give it the Man dares not to take the
Woman away. When the Parents approve of the match there is a ceremony of
Prayer at a Morai and the Parents perform AAmmo to the married couple. [Marginal
note: ‘See 20th April’] [This Aamo or Aammoah, as it is called, is a Ceremony
performed by Parents to their Children when they are supposed to be able to look
out <provided for>, and take care of them selves). The Parties may separate
whenever they chuse <choose>. A Man may have as may Wives as he pleases, and
a Woman may have as many Gallants as her husband has different Wives.
The Woman who bears Children has greater privileges than
those who do not - they always abide by the property of the Husband, while the
others have little or no share.
The infidelity of a Wife, any further than <beyond what> the
husband permits or approves, is considered whoredom and punishable by himself; but
while he approves of the Man she is connected with, they may Sleep under the
same roof, so that it is not uncommon for a Husband with his <who has> three
Wives to sleep on the same floor, and they with <with them and > their Gallants.
It is remarkable that the ceremony of Prayer is only performed to
the first Woman , and might reason from thence <one might thence conclude> that
the others were Concubines and not Wives.
Monday, May 28th
During the Morning frequent hard Rain which about Noon <at about Noon it>
began to clear up and remained fair with very Strong Winds from the WSW at
Night and Moderate Westerly Winds the other parts <part> of the Day.
Thermometer from 78 ½ to 80 Degrees.
Employed at the Forge. Carpenters at the Launch. Sailmakers
about the Main Top Sail.
We have <Have> sufficient supplies of Pork, Cocoa Nutts,
Plantains, Vees, Tarro and Mahie, but Bread fruit not to be got except a few heads
which are brought from the Country.
Accounts were brought to Iddeeah and Tynah that their
Daughter Tahamydooah was dead. They cared very little about it, particularly
Tynah, but Iddeaeah at last shed a few tears. The people who had the care of the
Child had been at Papparah with it to see some Heivahs. It there caught a violent
cold which terminated in a Fever, and <it> died in the <on its> way back to the
Tuesday, May 29th
Land and Sea Breezes. Thermometer from 72 to 79 Degrees.
Employed as Yesterday. No Bread fruit to be got, and am
obliged to send on shore after other supplies, the Natives being indifferent about
bringing them to Sale.
This Morning I went to Oparre to look after some Plants I had
ordered to be planted in the Hills at Tynah’s Country Seat. I found them all in good
order and taken care of, but I have little hope they <the People> will persevere in
guarding them from accident, as not one article <that> I left there last Voyage is
remaining. I have now planted here 59 Orange and Citron Plants, and 12 Pine
Apple, besides <beside> many seeds, and 8 fine Young Firs which the Natives
value the most, as they are likely to produce plank and Masts.
Upon any part of those Hills the situation is delightful. This
place of Tynahs is most charmingly diversified and shaded with Cocoa Nutt Trees and
Breadfruit. He has a few old People to look after it whose only Stock is a few
Fowles and half starved Hogs. Whenever Tynah goes there himself, he takes food
with him, such as Fish, or Pork, Cocoa Nutts and Breadfruit are <is> all else that
is required. Our repast Was a Baked Fowl.
Teturoah bore N7 [degrees] W.
On my return I found Iddeeah attending her Dead Child at a
distance from her friends, and in a melancholy manner. The Child was laid out under
a neat Shed with her hands laid over her breasts as our custom is - a piece of
European Scarlet Cloth besides some very neat Country Cloth [probably bark cloth]
covered the Body. A man attended dressed in a clean manner to show the Child to
the Friends, and while remarkable silence and but very few people to be seen <a
small number of people>, gave a Solemn cast to every thing about us, the Scene was
rendered more affecting by a view of <by> the Servants preparing the Tupapow or
Teapapow. On this Stage which is elevated about 6 feet above the ground, fenced
round with reeds and neatly ornamented with coloured Cloth, leaves and Flowers,
the Body remains untill all that is perishable is gone, the Friends then order the
bones to be put in the Earth, but it sometimes is the case <happens>, that a
particular Friend of the deceased will seize the Scull and present it to his God in the
It is only with Erees that the Body remains so long on the
Tupapow [marginal note: ‘Teeapapow’] – with the lower orders of the People it is
put into the Earth after a short time allotted for the Friends to mourn.
Our Friend Tynah was not at all concerned at the loss of his
Child, he would not however return with me to the Ship, for he seemed to consider
it but decent to remain with Iddeeah. They told me their mourning would be over in
two days, and they would then return to the Ship.
In my last Voyage I have spoken of the Natives embalming their
Chiefs. There are particular People whose office <busyness> it is to effect this
purpose <perform this office>, called Meereetuappapow [miri tupapa’u]. They are
similar to undertakers, and lay the dead Bodies out in the same manner. When the
Chief is to be embalmed, the near Friends are said to know nothing of it – after
three, four, or five days that <during which > the Body has laid <lain> on the
Tuapapow, the undertaker comes in the Night and begins his Work. The first thing
he does, is to clear the body of its outer skin. This is done easily, from the
putrefaction which has taken place by the <by> help of a Wood scraper. The effect
of this operation is, that the body becomes perfectly white with an entire skin as it
had before, but the whiteness lasts only for a day or two, during which time the
Head is ornamented with Flowers and the body anointed with Oil exhibited with
some pride.
After the Body is thus cleaned by scraping, the bowels are taken
out, (by introducing the hand at the Anus,) and buried - the inside is dried by the
same means, and a Wash is in the mean time prepared with which it is thoroughly
cleaned, and<of which it > imbibes a considerable quantity. The Mouth and Throat
are not less attended to, and the Eyes are carefully washed, and the lids closed. The
Wash is made from the leaves of certain plants or Trees which are in the
Mountains, known only to the undertakers. They are bruised, and the juice
expressed <being pressed> from them without any mixture of Water, preserve the
Body in a very firm state.
Tahamydooah [the dead child] they say will not be embalmed.
Wednesday May 30th
Land and Sea Breezes and fair Weather. The Thermometer from 73 to 79 Degrees.
Employed Tarring the Rigging. Armourer at the forge.
Carpenters about the Launch. Sailmakers repairing the Fore Sail. Cooper making
Tubs for Plants. Cleaned Ship and Aired below with Fires. Water let into the Ship
twice a Day and the Pumps worked as usual.
We have still sufficient supplies to allow every Person one
pound and half of Pork per Day. No Breadfruit to be got for common use. Plantains
Tarro Mahie and Vees are all we can get for <of the> Bread kind.
Orreepyah with his Wife arrived to day from Paparrah. Otoo the
young King with <and> his Father <grandfather> Otow are gone to some other
districts, and will not return to us for some time. When I enquired of Oreepyah how
many Musquets he had taken from the Paparrah People he felt hurt, I therefore did
not banter him with < upon> his project.
I got a few large Plants or rather young Trees into Tubs to day
in addition to those < what I had procured> on the 26th - these I expect will
stand the Sea Air even when exposed, for they must take their chance upon Deck as
I have no place else < other place > to put them <in>. They are all flourishing
Thursday, May 31st
Land and Sea Breezes and Fair Weather. Thermometer from 75 to 79 Degrees.
Employed as Yesterday.
Unhappily to day I had a severe attack of my Nervous Head
Ach. I attributed it to making some Astronomical Observations, and the extreme
heat of my observatory. I am never thoroughly clear of the Head Ach, but when
these dreadfull fitts lay hold of <seize> me I am almost distracted. My mind being
constantly on the stretch will I fear never let me <suffer me to> be free of these
complaints untill I return into a Cold Climate.
Friday, June 1st
Moderate Breezes at East and Calms with Land Airs at Night. The Thermometer
from 78 to 80 ½ Degrees. The Air however felt as if the Thermometer had been at
84 at least.
Nothing new – a few Natives about us bring a few scanty
supplies of Plantains, Cocoa Nutts, Vees and a few Tarrow.
My Head Ach not so bad, but I can bear little Noise.
Saturday, June 2nd
The Morning and Night Light Breezes from the Land at South. During the day
Strong Breezes from the WSW. Thermometer from 74 to 80 Degrees.
Employed <in.> Washing and cleaning Ship, airing below with
Fires and mending Clothes. Served Tobacco.
Carpenters finished the Launch, and have made a very fine Boat
of her. All Men of War Boats are a Strake too low.
Got a few very good Breadfruit to day from the Country. The
Trees about the low Ground have a fine Show of Green Fruit about ¼ grown and
in some places more forward.
I find my Nervous complaint much better to day, which I
attribute to bathing in <the> Matavai River at Sun Rise <where the water is
fresh>. It is remarkably cold and may have a better effect than the Sea Water.
«We have» several of the Natives applying <apply> to the
Surgeon to cure them of Ulcers and Sores <boils> about different parts of the Body,
and his opinion, like my account last Voyage is, the disease is the Scrofula.
A few infected with a Gonorrhoea have applied, but we have
seen none who are remarkably bad in that disease.
My Plants are doing wonderfully well and I have added two
small Trees to the number to Day.
Sunday, June 3rd
Light Winds at Night, but strong WSW Winds during the Day.
Mustered the Ships Company and saw them all clean dressed.
Read the articles of War and Abstracts. Performed Divine Service, and gave leave to
a party to go on shore.
Got a Moderate supply of Tarro and Breadfruit - a Sufficiency
of Hogs, Cocoa Nutts and Vees.
Tynah and his Wives as usual dined with me to day. He took
an opportunity to sollicit the attendance of the Surgeon on his Youngest Child
Oro,oh [marginal note: ‘see 8th May’], who he said was very ill. We found it under
the care of an old Man, for what <which> is strange, Women are not permitted to
be attendants on any of the Royal Family, so that Male or Female, the Children are
unnaturally nursed by Men. [unnaturally’ appears also in ML but has been crossed
out, probably by Bligh] The Complaints <Complaint> of the Child was said to be
in his bowels, <and> the belly was much distended; but the Scrofula seemed the
most <more> alarming symptom <disorder>, for in one groin it had broke out, & in
the other were swellings which convinced us of the deplorable state this poor infant
was in <of the poor infant>. I told Iddeeah to take better care of her Child, and
altho I disputed the propriety, she insisted that Whyerreddee's attention should be
engaged towards it & not particularly hers. It is not extraordinary that Tynah is
not remarkably fond of his Children, for he is in some degree weaned from them, by
the accursed Custom of their becoming <his> superior in rank. [‘accursed’ appears
also in ML but has been crossed out] On that account no one approaches them but
the Mother to give <who gives> them suck, and the Man who is the Nurse. The
Moments therefore that <in which> the paternal feelings would be delighted with
<gratified by> the little tricks of its Offspring, and view with pleasure the infant
progress of the mind <in which the progress of the infant would be observed with
delight>, are here lost to the Father. When he sees or speaks to his Child it is at a
<the> distance of ten or fifteen Yards, and the Man who brings it is often
cautioned not to come too near, thus untill the Children become Men and Women,
and He has performed the Ceremony of Oamo [marginal note: ‘See 20th and 27th
Apri1’] do they mix together like other people.
It is happily different with the lower order of the People. The
Father and Mother have mostly their flock of little Children about them, they nurse
them with great care and tenderness, and receive returns of Affection and respect. In
short no Parents can regard or attend on <to> their Children more than they do,
and but few more engaging and pretty Children are to be met with, could we divest
ourselves of the dislike to the Colour.
Monday, June 4th
Light Variable Winds round the Compass and fair Weather. Thermometer from 75
to 79 ½ Degrees.
In commemoration of<the Birthday of> our most Gracious and
Good King we held this Day as a Festival. At 8 <OClock> in the Morning
both Ships were dressed to the great delight of the Natives. At Noon the Marines
were drawn up under Arms and Fired three Volleys, and the Indians <Natives>
joined <in> with us in three Cheers. At One O'Clock the Ships fired 21 Guns each.
To every person was served an allowance of liquor, and the day was spent with
great chearfullness and good humour. At Night I had a Dozen Sky Rockets set off,
and Mr Tobin having made two small Balloons the whole were successfully
displayed to the great pleasure and satisfaction of 600 Persons. 'Mahannah no
tErree Brettanee, King George. (The King of Englands Birth Day – King George.)
was repeated every minute by Men Women and Children. All the Chiefs were
collected about us, and drank to His Majesty's good Health, and afterwards dined
with me. Tynah got drunk, but the other Chiefs were the better for the Wine. They
are all very fond of Rum, Brandy or Wine, and will generally get drunk if
permitted. Twice a Day is the course with their Avah, so that some of them have
but few hours of the twenty four when they can be considered sober. Whydooah
[Vaetua] [marginal note: ‘the Brother of Tynah’] remarked <as usual> to me that
the English Avah was better than the Otaheite; for if it took away the use of his
limbs it never did <that of> his tongue; it always made him feel very bold.
Our custom has been to overhaul the Plants every Monday
morning. They had a very fine appearance to day, and I have the pleasure to think
every Plant has firmly taken root. Our Account now stands thus –
Pots of Bread Fruit ----------1099 ---------- two Plants in most of the Pots
Tubs of Ditto Ditto ------------ 34 -----------four and five Plants in each
Boxes of Ditto Ditto----------- 26 ---------- Ditto Ditto
Pots of Rattahs ---------------- 25 ---------- four Plants in each
Ditto of Oraihs------------------ 12
Ditto of Vees or Avees-------- 25------------two and three in some of them
Ditto of Oahighyah-------------32 ----------- Ditto Ditto
Ditto of Peeah --------------------7 ----------- Ditto Ditto
Ditto of Mattee ------------------6 ------------ Ditto Ditto
Ditto of Ettow--------------------6 -------------Ditto 'Ditto
<Mahannah no tErree Brettanee, King George’ (more likely, ‘mahana no te
Ari’i Peretane, Tini Tihoti.>
Tuesday, June 5th
Fine Weather with same Calms. Wind East. Thermometer from 74 to 80 Degrees.
Employed at the Forge. Got on board the Launch, and hauled
the large Cutter up to repair. Sailmaker Employed about the Jib and Main Top
Stay Sail. Carpenters making railings for the Sky lights to prevent «any» things
falling on the Plants.
Hauled the Seine and caught about 150 lbs of Fish.
Sufficient supplies except of Bread Fruit, only a few Baskets <of
which> are brought on board. Tarro and Plantains, we have instead of it, <but>
not in great altho sufficient abundance.
The indolence of the People in our neighbourhood is so great,
that now the Breadfruit is not to be had, they have very little to eat. No Country
in the World would produce greater plenty of Ground Provisions, yet these lazy
wretches cultivate scarce a yam nor Potato. In the whole district of Matavai and
Oparre I have not seen half an Acre of ground Provisions, if I except about that
quantity of Tarro at Oparre, but their late broils joined with their natural indolence
has <have> most likely been the cause of the present scarcity.
Wednesday, June 6th
Moderate Sea Breezes at East. Land Winds at SSE – fine Weather. Thermometer
from 73 to 80 Degrees.
Employed at the Forge. Mending Sails. Repairing the large
Cutter. Making Railings for the Sky Lights. Washing Ship and Airing with Fires.
As Tynah engaged to go down to Tettaah [Fa’a’] to get some
Plantains & other provisions for the Ship, I sent him away in the Boat by day
dawn with sufficient presents to have purchased a large quantity, but he was not
successfull, for he returned about 3 OClock in the Afternoon with only a few
Plantains and Cocoa Nutts. I never saw a regular Plantain Walk [i.e., regularly
spaced orchard] in Otaheite. A few trees are stuck about their Houses, and others
are dispersed around the Hills in the same manner – this is all the trouble taken
with them, or with any thing else that requires regular planting – cleaning
<clearing> and keeping their grounds neat and free from Weeds is beneath the care
of an Otaheitean. They have as little neatness about their dwellings. An Otahieite
Village, if their mixt Dwellings may <can> be so called, is the dirtyest place
imaginable, every thing is thrown before and around the House, even if they fix
their Sheds upon the Sea side they will not take the trouble to throw the filth into
the Sea, if they have <only> ten yards to carry it - yet no People in the World are
cleaner in their Persons. So much sloth and indolence may be attributed to the vast
support that All bountiful Nature has given to them in the use <possession> of the
most valuable of all Fruits of the Earth, the Bread Fruit and Cocoa Nutt.
I asked Iddeeah today if her Name was to be changed on account
of her late Child dying, she said no as the name was given to the Childs Aunt,
Wattowaw, who in my last Voyage was called Towry. It is very extraordinary the
shifting of Names in this Country <the changing of Names in this Country is very
extraordinary>. Upon the permition of the Erreerahigh a Chief may take any name
he likes, and if it happens to be the name of any particular Article - of day
- night, or any other known thing, another is thought of or it to be called by <by
which it may be called>. Example - Pomarre, (the name of Tynah & Iddeeah,) is
from Po, night, and Morre the Name of the disease the Child died of. To make up
for the loss of Po, in the language, Ooarroo,ee is substituted.
Oreepyah has fancifully taken the name of Apopo [?]. In the
language it means To morrow, but it is very odd, that in supplying the want of
this Word they have substituted Ahnonnahigh [ananahi], which before, and does
<even> now mean Yesterday.
Since my last Voyage, Heivah, the common name for all their
Dances has been taken by Terrederrie [Teri’irere] [marginal note: Chief of Papparah
and son of Oamo; this was his first name next to Tomaree & now Heivah or
Heivahrow], and it [dancing] is now known by the term Oopeowpah.
Tynah also took the Name of Mattee [mate], which signifies to
kill, and Po,ee [pohe] was ordered to be used instead of it, which was strictly
attended to. I remember Iddeeah scolding at the People when they inadvertently
made use of the word Matee.
I should imagine this mode of changing Names must be attended
with many disadvantages to the language. The alteration in the course of a Century
must be very great <and> makes it difficult to be understood.
Thursday, June 7th
Fresh Breezes at East and some Calms, in the Night Winds from the Land at SE
and S by E. Thermometer from 75 to 80½ Degrees.
Employed about the large Cutter. Fitting the Ports – mending
Sails and Hauling the Seine.
Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Tarro and Vees, but
Breadfruit only a few heads. Caught very few Fish.
Found a few of the Plants attacked by a kind of Weavil which
entered the Rinds, and made their doing well very doubtfull. I therefore directed them
to be shifted, lest the other Plants might be injured in our Voyage home. We have
but very few People about us, and no person but Tynah and his Wives of any
consequence who dine with me every day. Otoo with his grand Father Otow, are
still absent. Whydooah is not a constant Visitor, as the most of his time is devoted
to drinking Avah, and «he is» in a state of Stupefaction. The Erree Women are
now become fond of this «that» pernicious root, and are generally drunk once a Day.
Friday, June 8th
Fresh Westerly Breezes in the Day, and very Cloudy threatening Rain - at Night
Cloudy and Wind from the land. Rain in the Mountains. Thermometer from 78 to
82½ Degrees.
Employed at the Forge. Repairing the large Cutter. – Sails – and
about the Rigging. A Party on Shore cutting up a Tree that Tynah gave to us.
Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Vees, Mahie and Tarro.
Saturday June 9th
Light Breezes and Fair Weather with Calms in the first part of the Morning. Land
Winds at Night. Wind East and SE. Thermometer from 74 to 80 Degrees.
Employed as Yesterday in the Morning, but the remainder of
the Day the people had to themselves to mend & Wash their Clothes. Hauled the
Seine without any success.
Sufficient Supplies as yesterday, but no increase of the Natives
about us, scarce ever more than a Dozen on board at a time. The Young Breadfruit
are in abundance upon the Trees, and get a head or two brought to me almost
every day.
Sunday, June 10th
Light land and Sea breezes E and SE. The Thermometer from 75 to 80 ½ Degrees.
Washed and cleaned Ship. Hauled the Seine. Mustered the Ships
Company and saw them all clean dressed. Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a
Party to go on Shore.
Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, and Tarro, and
abundance of Vees and Cocoa Nutts.
Monday, June 11th
Calms and Winds at West and WSW – and the Thermometer 77 to 81 Degrees.
Employed at the Forge - Mending Sails – about the Rigging -
Carpenters about the Large Cutter, lining and fitting the Ports. Cooper repairing
Casks and making small ones for the Boats.
About a half past 10 at night Mr. Guthrie informed me an
Indian<a Native> was discovered thieving at the Post, and that the Centinel had
fired at him.
These People are become so troublesome in <the> dark Nights,
that it requires <required > our utmost exertions to prevent them from taking away
all we have. I fear very much some of them will be shot, for I have been under the
necessity to give orders to that effect, in order to deter them in their attempts. One
Viscious [sic] fellow may destroy all our Plants, and cut our Ships adrift. Every
Man, Woman and Child, know they dare not come near the Post or Ships after
dark, and the Chiefs are so sensible of the propriety <of the prohibition>, that their
constant reply <to my complaint> is ‘Why don’t you kill them.’
The following paragraph appears in ML but has been crossed out:
This evening on my coming on shore I was informed by :Mr. Pearce the head of the
Marines that the Serjeant was under arrest for insolence and contempt to him. He
said that the charge was, that in asking the Serjeant why he had not employed a party
of men as he had directed, & on investigating the cause of his neglect, the Serjeant
had with contumacy and disrespect uttered the words ‘I know my duty as well as
any man can show me’ & on being threatened to be complained of to me, said with
great indifference, ‘Sir no person can prove I have said so to you,’ for no one was
present. That in addition to this charge against the Serjeant Mr Pearce declared he
had proof of very great neglect, but that he had hitherto not brought it before me
with a hope that the man would behave better in future.
I desired the Serjeant might be continued under an arrest untill
the Morning when I should enquire into the affair.
Tuesday, June 12th
Light Westerly Winds and Fair Weather untill Noon when the Wind came very
strong in Squalls from the West WNW and NW with a smart Shower of Rain. At
night Calm.
Employed mending Sails - repairing Boats -Armourer at the
Forge - Cooper repairing Casks - Refitting the Rattlings and about the Rigging.
[‘rattling’, small cordage used to strengthen edges of sail.]
Sufficient supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Tarro, Vees, Cocoa
Nutts, a few yams and head of new Breadfruit.
We have Natives about us, and no Strangers. Tynah
and his Wives dine with me every day, and occasionally as it suits their
convenience, Monah and Orepyah with his Brother Whydooah. The three Brothers
[i.e., the latter two and Tina] are become very drunken and the Women not much
better for they all drink Avah. Tynah has been so bad lately, that I have been
obliged to forbid any person giving him «any>> liquor. Wine is no longer palatable
to them, they call for Spirit, and have given it the name of Avah Tyo [‘ava taio]
or friendly draught. It is difficult to get any information respecting their
manners or Country, they seem suspicious of every enquiry.
I passed in my Walk to day a Morai which was called
Roohaddoo - it consisted of a few Stones about three feet square, pieces of plaited
Cocoa Nutt leaves (called Tepaow) [marginal note: ‘Evahighree [e vahi -ri, a
place - little ?] when presented to a Chiefs feet’] placed before it with some small
pieces of Tarro and Cocoa Nutts. The Evatah [fata] or Alter of Offerings, was a
Palm Stump with a small Stage on it, on which was a Cocoa Nutt Grater [marginal
note: ‘a piece of Coral’], «and» some Cocoa Nutt , Mahie and an empty Basket. The
whole was fenced in, and I found it was just erected to ensure success to a kind of
Ware [weir] or Dam which Tynah has made with Stones without Point Venus to
catch Fish. Prayers have been performed, and the Deity supplicated by Persons of
the Priesthood.
I heard <that> the Thief that <Man who> was fired at last
Night was wounded - Shot through the Shoulder, and had sett of [off] for Tettaha
[Fa'a'a]. He was traced about 200 Yards by <some drops of> his Blood. It seemed
to give pleasure to our Friends here <but I am much concerned at the necessity I had
been under of giving orders to fire.>
Wednesday, June 13th
Light Variable Winds and Calms. Much Swell in the Bay. Thermometer from 76 to
81½ Degrees.
Employed as Yesterday. Cleaned Ship. Sufficient supplies and
more Bread Fruit.
Our Plants are doing remarkably well and <I> expect that in
the course of a Month at farthest they will be fit to bring on board.
Our Sick List consists <only> of Venereals - 19 out of 20 who
were in it still remain under cure.
Thursday, June 14th
Light Westerly Winds and Calms with much Swell in the Bay. Thermometer from
77 to 80 Degrees. In my Observatory on Shore it was 90 Degrees.
Employed Breeming the BendS. [‘Breeming’ - clearing the ship's
bottom of shells, slime, etc.] Mending Sail. Cutting Wood. Armourer at the Forge.
Carpenters repairing the Boats, and fitting the Ports. A few hands completeing the
Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Tarro, Cocoa Nutts and
Vees – a few yams and heads of New Bread fruit.
<But> Very few Natives about us, they regard us with very
great indifference, <so that> we see no strange People of any consequence, or does
any thing pass interesting or worth notice. Tynah, Oreepyah, and their Brother
Whydooah so completely stupify themselves with Ava every day, as have affected
their faculties. They have however faithfully promised me to drink less of it in future.
<The sick list are all Venereals. It contains at this time 20.
Four have been cured.>
Friday, June 15th
Light, Easterly Winds and Calms the Nights and Mornings are generally Calm
with light Land Airs.
Employed as Yesterday. Supplies sufficient but am frequently
obliged to send People to Oparre and about these Districts to purchase them. The
Natives seem indifferent to any intercourse of Trade with us. We have now scarce
<scarcely> twenty Persons on board in a Day, and not more who come to the Post
at Sun down to see the Marines exercised; where we have had several hundred since
we have been here, and many hundreds every Evening of my stay at Oparre last Voyage.
Saturday, June. 16th
Light Breezes Easterly in the Day, with Land Winds and Calms during the Night.
Employed Cutting Wood in the Morning, better <latter> part
of the Day Washing and Mending Clothes.
Supplies more than we can use of every thing but <article
except> Breadfruit, several Cannoes having brought off fine bunches of Plantains,
Tarro and several Hogs. Cocoa Nutts we have in abundance. We speak
comparatively when we say Moderate supplies. Sometimes we have a quantity that
spoils <which is spoiled> because we cannot make use of it. Not one day have we
been without a perfect sufficiency.
Sunday, June 17th
Light Variable Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 72 to 80 Degrees, on Shore in
the Air 82 Degrees.
Mustered the Ships Company and saw them all clean Dressed.
Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to a Party to Walk on Shore. Hauled the
Seine but caught no fish.
Tynah had Visit to day from some of <the> Tiarraboo
People - they were of no consequence with respect to Rank, as is common, however,
<commonly the case> he found himself engaged for the day to direct proper supplies,
and to amuse them. A Maownah [ma’ona] or Wrestling Match gave a change to
the dull scene we experienced every day, but as the Tiarraboo people had only a few
Champions; a number of fine active Boys gave us more amusement than the Men.
The Strangers were rather uneasy at every Victory they gained for fear it would
displease me, and to the last I could not convince them that I was disinterested.
There were several knock down blows between some of the Parties before they
grappled. My account last Voyage of this exercise prevents my saying any thing
particular of it, <as> I have not seen anything new.
Monday, June 18th
Light Winds at East and Calms. Thermometer from 79 to 81 Degrees. On Shore 83
Degrees at Noon in the Shade.
Very sufficient Supplies.
Employed Cutting Wood. Making Canvas coverings for the
greenhouses on the Quarter Deck. Painting the Ship's Stern & Head. Armourer at
the Forge.
Our Old Friend Hammennemanne returned from his Tour round
the Island. Otoo the Young King with <and> his Grand Father Otow will
<would> still be absent for some time. It appears that the purport of this Old
Man's journey is to collect Cloth, Hogs, and whatever he thinks will sell to the
people of the Ships, and to make Friends of all his Chiefs before I Sail.
The Plants are doing exceedingly well, which is a peculiar
happiness to me, as my time of Sailing draws so near it make their well doing
anxiously interesting to me <my time of Sailing draws so near as to interest me
very much in their well doing>. This with various other things respecting our
<my> future welfare (along with my? Astronomical and Nautical Observations),
keep me laboriously employed, and labouring <altho suffering> under a constant
Nervous Head Ach which sometimes distracts me.
Our Sick List consists of 22 Venereals.
Tuesday, June 19th
Light Easterly Winds and Variable with Calms. The Nights and Mornings finely
serene and clear. Thermometer from 75 to 80 Degrees.
Sufficient supplies. Employed at the Forge. Cutting Wood.
Sailmakers making covers for the Green Houses on the Quarter Deck. Carpenters
painting the Ship Sides and cutting Scuttles in the Cabin Ports to give Air to the
Plants when the Ports cannot be opened. Washed and Cleaned Ship.
A tolerable sized Chest was shown to me to day made in our
manner by an Otaheitean. It was really a curiosity - the hinges were made of
Wood, the sides duftailed and put together perfectly square, and the lock was made
like ours with a bolt all out of wood; with a Key made of a Piece of Iron. The
whole showed so much ingenuity, that I made a present to the <this> Man as a
reward, and he bartered his Chest away in exchange for an English - one to one of
the Gardeners.
I was sorry to hear again of a <an> human Sacrifice. Iddeeah
informed me that the Chiefs of Waennah - [Huahine] (called Ohaaine in Captain
Cook’s Map) had sent one to Otoo. I found it wrapt up in a platted Cocoa Nutt
branch Slung to a Pole as usual - it stunk <stank> very much, and on that
account was hung up among the Bushes apart from any dwelling. The late
disturbance and War between Matavai and Oparre Peaple was the cause of this
Sacrifice. The People of Waennah took part with Matavai, and the offence was not
to be forgiven but by this melancholy claim <for pardon>. The absence of Otoo
prevents any thing being done untill he returns, when the Eye will be presented,
and the Etuah supplicated to continue the friendship between the two Districts.
I am now perfectly satisfied that Human Sacrifices are common
and very frequent. If a Chief or Powerful Man seriously offends the Erreerahigh he
is obliged to obtain forgiveness by this means. It <sacrifice which > is not to be
refused, so sacred is it as a pledge of faith and good will. It is evidently not confined
to making Peace or declaring War, or supplicating the Etuah on an emergency, or
any general calamity.
Wednesday, June 2O th
Light Variable Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 75 to 80 Degrees.
Employed at the Forge. Carpenters cutting Scuttles in me
Cabbin Ports. Sailmakers making Weather Cloths for the Green Houses; Painting
the Ship and blacking the Bends. Hands Wooding.
I went out to day to Sound about the Bay, & towards Oparre
We found many Corral Banks, and some dangerous places for a large Ship if coming
in with a Swell in the Bay. Three and four fathoms were <it was> in several
places off Tarrah towards the Dolphin [i.e., the Dolphin Banks , where Wallis’ Ship
went aground]. On my landing at my second Station to take some bearings I was
seized with a burning heat in my head and flushes in my face that I could no longer
support myself. I was got <carried> under the Shade of<the> Trees, and by help
of some kind Natives who brought me Cocoa Nutts and Apples I recovered, got into
my Boat and returned on Board where the Fever happily went off. I left the rest
<to day> to be done by Lieut. Portlock whose allertness and attention to his duty,
and every thing I direct him to do, makes me at all times think of him with regard
and esteem. I have now scarce <no longer> the power of bearing much fatigue.
Many necessary duties however cause me to suffer a great deal <and I am frequently
overcome. The Surgeon Mr Harwood consider my disease Nervous>. {In ML this
paragraph continues, as follows, but has been crossed out] <Besides a constant Head
Ach, I have frequently in the day a sinking at the pit of my stomach, then a
dreadfull heat flies up into my Face, which all but [a report?] seems to fly out at
the top of my head, as if shot through me - a lowness and flurry of my spirits takes
place. For a week past I thought I got the better of my complaint but this
unfortunate busyness today has undone all
Thursday, June 21st
Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. At Night Land Winds and Calms. Wind E,
ESE - SSE. Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed Cutting Wood. Painting the Ship. Sailmakers making
covers for the Green Houses. Gunners Employed Airing their Stores.
Sufficient Supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Cocoa Nutts, Tarro, Vees
and an increase of Bread fruit. All these articles are brought to us from a few People
belonging to the District of Matavai and Oparre. About ten or a Dozen Cannoes
are all we have <which come> off to us in the course of the Day.
The want of Breadfruit has freed us very much from being
infested with the Flies. While the Fruit is plentifull they are a plague to us - <for
as> it drops from the Trees when ripe, and the Otahieiteans taking <take> no pains
to clear away the filth [i.e., of the rotting breadfruit], the Swarms of Flies <which
are provided > are troublesome to us beyond measure.
I happily recovered from my Fever, but remained oppressed
<occupied> with a dreadfull head Ach. I dare not <about midday> expose myself
to the Sun. The shining of it upon any part where I am affects me in so violent a
manner in my head that I cannot bear it. Before the Sun Rise I bathe in the fresh
Water and return on board. - & after Sun down take my Walk, so that a few
Days I hope to be tolerably well again.
Friday, June 22nd
Ditto Weather. Thermometer from 75 to 80 Degrees. Employed as Yesterday.
I found myself much better to day <so that> I was able to
protract off my Survey, and examine and rectify the Soundings about this place. I
continue to bathe in the River, which before Sun Rise is remarkably Cold and refreshing.
At intervals of ten Days, & a fortnight we have Fleets of 10 &
15 Sai1 of Cannoes passing and repassing to and from Teturoah – they bring a
quantity of dried Boneto and other fish, which are considered dainties by the
Otaheiteans, but by us not worth eating.
In the Course of the Night a Thief found an opportunity to pass
the Centinels and Officers on Guard at the Post, and take from out of the House a
Bag of Cloathes belonging to Lieut Guthrie. It was a large quantity of dirty linnen
to some amount – how the Thief could have got it out & pass the Centinels is
incredible. At what time it was taken away was not known, we could not therefore
fix the neglect on any particular Man. The Guard has hitherto been 3 Centinels,
One Corporal to visit them and see they do their duty, and a Midshipman to
superintend. The relief <superintend is> every two hours. I ordered another
Centinel so that we have now four Centinels to prevent Mischief.
Sunday, June 23nd
Moderate Breezes and fair Weather. Calms and Land Winds in the Night. Wind E
by NE by E by S, SSE. Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed drying Powder and Gunners Stores. Sent a Party to
Cutt Wood. Sailmakers making Hoses [i.e., flexible tubes formed of leather or tarred
canvas, to conduct fresh water into casks]. Washed and Cleaned Ship. Cooper
repairing Casks. Afternoon all hands repairing their Clothes.
Very sufficient Supplies and Breadfruit coming in Season again.
I suffered vastly in my head to day I cannot bear the sight of
the Sun. In other respects I am terribly well – before Sun Rise and about Sun set I
am able to see into all necessary duties, and regulate all busyness on Shore.
It gives me peculiar satisfaction to see my Plants thriving. I
have now once more with unwearied zeal and attention procured that great and
valuable object, and hope God will grant my endeavours to <may> be crowned with
Sunday, June 24th
Very fresh Winds at E by S and extremely hazy during the Day, but fair in the
Night. Thermometer from 79 to 82 Degrees.
Very sufficient Supplies. Caught 100 lbs of Fish with the Seine
so that every Man had Fish and Pork for his Dinner. Mustered the Ship's Company
and saw every person <one> Clean Dressed and Performed Divine Service.
My health much better to Day. My Friend Tynah and
Oreepyah appear very much concerned at the theft committed on Friday Night, and
have promised to do their utmost to discover the Thief and bring the Clothes back.
To Morrow Tynah goes to Tettaha [Fa’a’a] under an escort of our Boat armed, and
a Lieut. to accompany him, and I have determined on sending Lieut. Portlock to
Attahooroo to bring away a Boat of the Matilda's which Monah has been after for
me, and <which he> has sent word it <me word> will be forth coming on the
arrival of my People. My motive for taking his Boat, if she is worth repairs; is to
assist me in case of accident in my Voyage through <the Straight> between New
Guinea and New Holland.
Monday, June 25th
Fresh Gale at East and E by S and Fair Weather. Thermometer from 77 to 81 Degrees.
Sufficient Supplies.
At dawn of Day Lieut. Portlock set off for Attahooroo, and I
sent Tynah down to Tettaha with Lieut. Tobin to try his success to get Mr
Guthries Clothes. They returned with a report that the Thief had gone to
Attahooroo, and <that they> were not able to get a single Article that <which>
was stolen. I could not expect Lieut. Portlock back untill To - morrow.
[The following paragraph appears only in ML, where it is
crossed out.]
<From Surmises of Mr Tobin we have reason to suspect the
sincerity of Tynah and Oreepyah with respect to their professing themselves anxious
to regain the Clothes.>
Employed getting Chests out of the Ship to destroy the
Cockroaches. Cleaning below and Washing with Boiling Water to destroy the Nests
and haunts of all manner of Vermine. The Ship is far from being pestered with
Cockroaches or any kind of Vermine; but I consider it necessary to keep clear of them
if possible, and therefore have adopted this plan of Washing with boiling Water
which destroys every offensive thing, and becomes a salutary operation to the Ship
in general. The operation is performed thus. The Coppers and all Vessels are got
ready with the Water - a select number of People with Quart Pots are stationed
and on my giving the word every hole and crevise is so deluged that few Vermine
escapes. The Men are Clothed with Jackets to prevent being scalded, and the Ship
for an half Hour is a complete Vapour Bath.
Tuesday, June 26th
Moderate Trade Winds E by S. Land Wind SE at Night. Thermometer from 77 to
81 Degrees.
Sufficient supplies. Employed as Yesterday cleaning the Ship of
Vermin by Washing with boiling Water. I first thought of this expedient when I
commanded the Bounty. I recommend it as the most effectual and sure method of
clearing of <cleaning> Ships of contagious diseases <if it be> followed by constant
airing with large fires.
A little before Noon I had the pleasure to see Lieut Portlock
arrive from Attahooroo, and with him the Whale Boat, which after some
deliberation was given up to him, altho not to the general voice of the People.
Attahooroo is the largest County in this Island, it is divided
into two Districts or Chiefdoms. The Northernmost, called Taigh <Pa,igh>
[Pa’ea], was Governed by Poohaitaiah <Po,ahaitai,a,h.> [Pohuetea; marginal note:
‘Potatow when I was in the Bounty’], and the Southernmost called Paterre
[Patea?] was governed by Tettowah [Te To’ofa], Men of great consequence when I
was here in 1788 and in Captain Cook’s time. These <The> Men are now dead,
and Children are elected. Tettowah left a Wife and Son who naturally succeed to
his power and influence, but Poohaitaiah left no Child, and I believe in consequence
<of it> the present Minor Chief, some relation, is not firmly fixed in his government.
It was at Paterre that the Boat was <The Boat was at
Paterre>. The Mob were for keeping <inclined to keep> it, but Tettowah’s Wife
ordered it to be given up, which after a few hours was effected upon Mr Portlock’s
declaring if he did not return with the Boat, I should in a Day or two be round and
set fire to the Country.
The endeavours of Tettowah's Wife were seconded by a very
clever «young» fellow called Terraighteerree – his official capacity is that of a
Priest and <he> had great weight among the People.
On the Boat being Launched into the Water, Mr. Portlock made
a present to the Chiefs which I had given him for that purpose. He relates that they
received it with great eagerness, as if they had known the Value of Iron without
ever having <had> the use of it, and withall expressed a thankfullness which gave
him much <great> pleasure. They gave him cause to think the Matavai and
Oparee People had prevented their having intercourse with us, and on his assuring
them of my friendship it spread a general satisfaction. Tettowah’s Wife with
Terraighteerree; her second Husband Towryihgno, and her Brother embarked to see
the Ship, where they arrived in time for Dinner.
Tettowah's Wife they call Oweehee Vaheine [‘ivi vahine,
widow, a common Name to Women who have lost a Husband.] She is a Stout good
looking Woman.
I found a shyness about our Friend Tynah and his Wives to this
Woman and her party. He had bantered me the Night before about my getting the
Boat, and I now in my turn laughed at him. I also made a very large present of
Valuable things to the Strangers, and made a great deal of them, so that they were
truly delighted. The Men drank freely of all our liquors, and eat Cheese and drank
Porter. All Strangers ask what the Cheese is made of and it is a standing joke with
our Friends here to call it Teeappapow, (Part of a Dead Body) [ie., tupapa’u,
corpse or ghost]. In the Evening they all went on Shore with Tynah who provided
every thing for them. Owehee Vahiene eat nothing while with us, for no Woman
except Iddeeah and Whyerreddee will ever eat before me, and on Shore as is their
custom, they eat apart from the Men.
Oporeeonoo [Poreonu’u] or Great Peninsula of Otaheite is
divided into 12 Counties under these Names - Matavai, Oparee, Tettaha, Taaigh,
Paterre, Papparah, Wyooreedee, Iddeeah, Whaennah, Tierrai, Happyano. They
sometimes place another between Papparah and Wyooreedee called Atteemono
These Counties have different districts or Chiefdoms, each of those of Taaigh and
Paterre is as large as any one County. There is however a mistake [marginal note:
‘Capt. Cook does it’] in calling the whole Oporeeonoo, for I find there are three
Grand Divisions, which include the subdivisions as follows. Under the Head of
Oporeeonoo lie Oparee, Matavai, Happyano, Tierrai, Whaennah, Iddeeah, Under
the Head O’Taiwyyootah [marginal note: ‘or Tevvyootah’] lie Paparrah,
Atteemono, Wyooreedee, Whyerree. Under the Head [of] Attahooroo lie Tettaha,
Taaigh and Paterre.
Tiearaboo [Taiarapu] makes a fourth Grand Division under the
head Tevvyty, and the whole Land [Island] is called Taheite, - Otaheite improperly
from no Taheite, of Taheite, the sign of the Genitive Case. Tevvyty is also divided
into 12 Counties.
When the Island was formed into these four Grand Divisions it
was governed by One King. I cannot consider it strictly so since I have known it.
Each of the Divisions have a power which governs it independent of the rest. We
have strong traits of it at this time. The Division of Tevvyootah is governed by a
Person who certainly has had equal and like <similar> Power to Otoo. This is
Tomaree – he had the Eye of the human sacrifice presented to him - wore the Maro,
and every person uncovered to him. Every Person <every one> agrees that no other
Chief had the power like Otoo & Tomarre, but this was before the present boy Otoo
was born. All the superior marks of distinction are now shown to him. Tomarre
formerly called Terreederi [Teri’irere] is the Son of the famous Opureah [Purea;
marginal note: ‘Obereah according to former accounts’].He married Terreenaharoah
[Teri’inavaharoa, Tynah’s Sister, as I have stated in my last Voyage, and of course
is the present (Boy) Otoo's Uncle.
The Division of Tevvyty has since our time been governed by
one Chief of the Name Whaeeahtuah [Vehiatua]. This has been always the name of
the Person who reigned there, and as Terreetapanouai, Tynah’s Son, has become
Heir to the late Whaeeahtuah, he has also taken the name.
The Division of Oporeeonoo is governed by Otoo, so that here
we see something like three distinct Princedoms, and I believe Attahooroo was a
fourth - how it has happened to be divided I cannot get informed <of>, for by the
division, neither of the Chief, altho allowed to be people of consequence, have the
Rank of the others, altho they have governed their respective Chiefdoms with equal
If it was not from the assertions of every one that Otoo was
Erreerahigh; that no person else wore the Maro, or had the Eye of the human
Sacrifice presented to him, I should pronounce it as a certainty that the Island was
divided into four Princedoms totally independent of each other.
To know the exact state of the Government of the Island it
would require a person to be some time in each part of it – a just conclusion might
then be formed; but the information of any party is doubtfull, and the Strangers who
visit us are cautious to give intelligence that may offend.
There are two Words which they attach to the different
Subdivisions of the Island. One is Manno, and the other Matynah. Oparre &
Attahooroo have each two Manno’s, but all the others, even Tiarraboo they say are
not Mannos but Matynahs. The People of Oporeeonoo are Matynahs no [of]
Tynah. Those of Tiarrboo are the People [marginal note: ‘manno’] of
Whaeeahtuah. Those Tevvyoyootah are the People of Tomarre and those of
Attahooroo of Tettowah Poohaitaiah - yet they say that the whole of them are
Matynahs no Otoo. This certainly implies he is their King.
Matynah [mata’ eina’a] signifies a set of People belonging <to>
and governed by a Chief but I am at a loss to know what Manno means, unless it is
the place of resort or Palace of the King.
I conclude therefore that Otaheite is a Kingdom divided into four
Grand Divisions or Princedoms. Each of those are divided into governments, and
these are again subdivided into parts which may be properly called districts or
Circuits of inferior authority - Counties, Corporation Towns & Villages.
Wednesday, June 27th
Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather. Wind East. Thermometer 77 to 81 Degrees.
Employed overhauling Chests and Clothes on Shore to clear them
of Cockroaches and Washing between Deck with boiling Water. Kept fires in all
Night to Air the Ship. Employed some Carpenters repairing the Whale Boat
Sailmakers about Boat Sails. Sufficient Supplies.
Thursday, June 28th
Moderate Winds at E by S and Calms in the Night & Morning. A Heavy Dew.
Thermometer from 76 to 81 Degrees.
Sufficient Supplies but none to spare this Day. Our Attahhooroo
Friends left us with a promise of returning in five Days.
Employed in the After Hold. Began to Paint the Starboard Side of the Ship, and paid the Bends with Pitch and Tar mixed, Made Nettings to cover
the Skylights of the Plants, and Employed the Carpenters Sawing Plank and
repairing the Whale Boat.
Friday, June 29th
Land and Sea Breezes at E & SE by S with Calms in the first part of the
Morning. Thermometer from 75 to 81 Degrees.
Employed repairing Boats Sails. Repairing the Whale Boat,
Sawing Plank. In the after Hold, and Cooper repairing Casks.
Sufficient Supplies, but obliged to send about the Shore to
purchase them, very few <being> brought <off> to the Ship. No people of any
consequence about us but Tynah and his Wives who Dine with me every Day. I
send the Boat regularly for them at Noon.
The Plants are coming on remarkably well. I still remain in an
uneasy state in my head and I cannot bear being exposed to the Sun, so that my shore
busyness I execute early in the Morning & towards Evening.
Saturday, June 30th.
Fresh Breezes at E by N and ENE which always brings a Swell into the Bag.
Thermometer from 76 to 81 Degrees, on Shore about 3 or 4 Degrees hotter.
Employed in the Main Hold the first part of the Day.
Afterwards the People had to themselves to mend and wash their Clothes.
Supplies as Yesterday. Very few Cannoes off to us, or about the
Post. The Natives appear to care very little about us.
Sunday, July 1st
Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with Calms in the first part of the Day. Wind E
by S. Thermometer from 75 to 81 Degrees.
Washed and Cleaned Ship. Hauled the Seine and caught a few
Fish. Mustered and saw every Person clean Dressed. Performed Divine Service.
Gave leave to a Party to go on Shore to Walk.
[The following paragraph appears only ML, where it has been
crossed out.]
<Read a letter from Mr Pearce [the Officer in charge of the
Marines] today requesting a Court Martial as soon as we came were [where?] it
could be held on Sergeant for disobeydiance of orders and neglect of Duty.
This refers to my accounts on the 11th and 12th June. I ordered the Serjeant to be
a Prisoner at large.>
We have Cannoes constantly passing and repassing in Fleets to
& from Tetooroah on every favourable opportunity. In one of them to day arrived a
Boy, who in my last Voyage I mentioned <as> being adopted by Teppahoo [Te
Pau] and Teranno, the Chief of Tettaha and his Wife. He was a fine promising
Child but he is now diseased in the spine – his Backbone bends outwards to such a
Degree that the Boy is obliged to be carried - he cannot sit upright. The Surgeon
Mr.Harwood considers it owing to the Scrofula, as the Youth and all his Friends
declare he had no hurt. The various appearances this dreadfull disease puts on is
<are> truly Shocking
Monday, July 2nd
Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Land Winds at Night E by SSSE.
Thermometer from 75 to 82 Degrees.
Employed in the Main Hold. Carpenters repairing the Whale
Boat and lineing and fitting the Ports. Armourer at the Forge making Hinges for
the Port Scuttles. Sent Hands to cutt Broom Stuff. Sailmakers repairing the Boats
Sails. Served Tobacco to the People.
Sufficient Supplies but I am obliged to send People about the
Country to purchase Hogs. Breadfruit still continues scarce, but the Trees have a
very fine show of them about half and two thirds grown, and some we get perfectly
fit for use. Plantains and Tarro is the Principal bread kind, for Yams have been
neglected among those idle people of Matavai & Oparre. Cocoa Nutts and fine
Apples we have in abundance, and I have not yet had an occasion to give my People
less than one pound and a half of Pork per Day.
With my usual Visitors Tynah and his Wives, we had a few
inferior Chiefs from the East part of Oporeeonoo. As customary <usual>, after
Dinner they began to enumerate the Ships that have been here, and how far they
liked one better than another. Mine <ours> they called the healthy Ships, but
dwelled much on the Discovery Captain Vancouver for Disease. It appears now to
me, that instead of giving the Chiefs Wine, they have accustomed them to drink
Cape Brandy which has torn them to pieces and killed many among whom is a
celebrated Chief of Attahooroo called Poohaitaiah [Pohuetea] or Tootaha.
They describe the Jenny of Bristol as a Miserable Vessel and the
Commander as a great Rascal.
Tuesday, July 3rd
Variable Westerly Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 78 to 81 Degrees-on
Shore about 3 Degrees higher.
Supplies fully sufficient, but obliged to send about the Country
for most of them, very few Natives take any trouble to bring provisions to the Ship.
I had the happiness to day to see my Plants so forward as to
determine me to «begin to» fit out. I therefore begin to Day to start [i.e., to
discharge] the Water we have, and to take on board fresh. Every other person fully
employed, and I sent Mr. Portlock to examine the bottom between this and Oparre,
which I have not yet accurately ascertained.
A Violent fit of Head Ach, with the many things I have to
attend to, confined me the latter part of this day. The pain I suffer when these fits
seize me is beyond all description. Happily when oft [usually] I am in tolerable
health, except a great contraction of the Nerves in the left side of my Face.
In the beginning of June I observed all the Cloth Plants [i.e.,
those whose bark was used for bark cloth] which were cutt down close to the
ground [during the recent war] beginning to shoot, and are now grown to
considerable height. I now observe various other proofs of the effect of Spring. The
Avee Trees are loosing their Old leaves by new shoots, and several other Trees that
shed Annually their leaves are covering with new Garments <now beginning to
vegetate>. 'The Natives give me an account of a number of Trees of this
description. In one Month they say the Avees will be all gone.
Wednesday, July 4th
Fair Weather and Wind at East with Calms in the first part of the Morning and
Land Winds at Night, which is constantly <commonly> the Case, and a fine Air.
Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed Starting [discharging] and filling Water. Cooper about
the Casks. Carpenters lineing and fitting the Ports and Scuttles and repairing the
Whale Boat.
My Friend Tynah undertook to go after the Thief who had
stolen the Clothes from the Post a few Days since, for I find it was done by an
inferior Chief of Tiarraboo (a Friend of his Brothers Oreepyah) who we had shown
great attention to <to whom we had shown great attention>, and <whom> he
calls ungratefull.
It is astonishing with what indifference these People speak of
Death. It has ever appeared to me that they cared little how short their existence
was, they are nevertheless afraid of the final stroke, when by War or accident they
have reason to expect it, while in disease they are patient and not alarmed. They
have no Idea of a future State, but <expect to> fall into a degree of nothingness
without reward or punishment after Life.
Thursday, July 5th
Easterly Winds with Calms in the Morning. Lightning at Night and the whole day
Cloudy Weather.
Sufficient Supplies by sending on Shore to purchase them. Very
few Natives about the Ship or Post.
My Friend Tynah returned to Day with part of the Stolen
goods. The Thief fled into the most distant parts of Tiarraboo, and escaped with
the greatest part of the Articles he had Stolen.
Some of the Matilda's Men were round at Oaitaipeeah, and
brought back an account, that a Leaguer [large water cask] and part of a Yard and
Plank of the Matilda were drifted there. From the Captain's Account of the Shoal,
it is distant 207 Leagues from this place in the direction of S 64 degrees W.
Busily Employed Starting and filling of Water. Carpenters
about the Whale Boat. Received a Launch load of Wood. Hands Sawing Plank.
Friday, July 6th
Very Cloudy, Thunder and heavy Rain all Day. Wind in Squalls from the West
NW & NNE, at times Calm. Thermometer from 78 to 80 Degrees.
The Rain to day a very uncommon circumstance. It swelled the
River to a great degree. Only one turn [load] of Water could be got on board. At
day break we hauled the Seine and caught 550 lbs of Fish all fine Cavallies
weighing from 7 to 14 lbs each. Every Man had as much as he could eat, and I was
able to make some presents to our Indian Friends.
During the latter part of the Day I ordered fires between Decks
to prevent damps and ill health.
No Natives about us, but we have always three days supplies
before hand, and <an> abundance for our use.
Saturday, July 7th
The Heavy Rain ended with the dawning of the Day, the remaining part was
attended with very heavy Clouds, light Easterly Winds and Calms. Thermometer
from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed repairing the Whale Boat - fitting up the Cabbin to
receive the Plants. Starting and filling Water.
Some of our Officers to Day were successful in Duck Shooting,
as they have frequently been in their excursions to Oparre. They brought me an
account that the Chief of Paparrah was in possession of many of my Books and
<brought me> one Volume of Dampiers Voyage. [interlinear note: ‘he gave them’]
Some remarks which I have <had> written on it with a Pencil in the blank pages
at the end of the Book were perfectly distinct. I have sent a Message to Tomarre,
the Chief, that I shall be glad to see him. He has hitherto been prevented from
coming by a dread of my not treating him well, and I have not been able to do
away his fear. I attribute it to some underhand Work of our Friends at this place,
who would consider him as a Rival, and «do» not like him to partake of the
benefits they derive from us.
My Plants have received «vast» benefit from the Rains, & I
hope in ten Days they will be fitt to be received on Board, as I am now anxious
about my time.
Sunday, July 8th
Calms and light Breezes at East the first part of the Day; the latter pleasant
breezes from the Westward. Thermometer from 77 to 80 Degrees.
As usual we relaxed from Work this Day. Performed Divine
Service, and permitted Men to go on Shore for their amusement.
I suspected some of the Ship's Company might be infected with
the Venereal and not inclined to complain of it untill we got to Sea. I therefore,
after Mustering them, and examining their Cleanliness both in Person and Dress;
ordered them to undergo an examination by the Surgeon. My Surmise was not
Groundless, for I found two Wretches infected with the disease, and one of them
kept a Woman constantly with him. The Boatswain and a Midshipman were the
two offenders.
Otow and Oberreeroah came to see me to day from the alarm
they had of the Ship going away. These old People are now infirm, the Old Woman
is obliged to be always hoisted up in a Chair. They are happy in their Children, who
show them every mark of affection and respect, and their filial attention is such a
blessing to the Old Pair as delight me <us> on every occasion.
Very few Natives come about us. All in <is> peace and
quietness, but most of the Matavai People are still absent. Poeeno is however
permitted to return [i.e., to Matavai]. I never permit him to come to me on account
of his behaviour to the Matilda's People, which I hope <and therefore I hope my
conduct to him> will have a good effect.
Monday, July 9th
Untill Noon a very fresh Gale SW by W when it suddenly shifted to the East.
The Weather fair but a considerable Surf in the Bay. Thermometer from 77 to 81
Received on board 5 Turns of Water and some Wood.
Carpenters employed about the Whale Boat – Caulking the Cabbin Deck, and were
ready to lay down the Stands for the Plants. Armourer <employed> at the Forge, and the Sailmakers making a Sail for the Whale Boat.
We continue to get sufficient Supplies by sending a Person on
Shore to purchase them.
My Plants are now in such charming <great> forwardness, that
the Botanists have determined <Gardeners are of opinion> I need not be any longer
detained <detained longer> than a Week or two at most - every exertion is
therefore made to be ready to their time. Our laborious work is watering. In this
particular I had two things to attend too - the one to start all my Old Water,
«and"» the other to take the new up at such a distance from the Sea Side, as to be
sure no Salt Particles would be mixed with it. It was necessary for <that> this
duty <should > be done at the latest period I could allow «myself», that the
Plants might receive the greater benefit from the fresh Water, and on this account
we are now all bustle in getting ready for Sea.
I find our Old Friends very disconsolate at our preparations, and
it has been with no small trouble that I have resisted the sollicitations of Tynah to
proceed to England with me. He has even considered himself slighted in <by> my
not permitting him, and our friendship hinged on my complying with his request to
take one of his Men, who he said would be of great service to him when I sent him
out again, from the many things he could learn and see in England. He was sure he
said <that> King George would not refuse him had he been here, and after
enumerating <he had enumerated > the many ways <in which> he had served us,
<and> particulising <particularised> his conduct to the Pandora, and I had viewed
<considered> the Mans Character, I could not help thinking it was the least thing I
could do for him, «and» that whether the Man returned or not it was <would be>
no greater <great> burthen to our Country «than it should bear». I complied with
his request and he seemed happy; but after all he hoped King George would send
out a Ship for him, as<for he thought> he would not have sent out so many things
as I have given him <presents>, unless it was his wish to see him.
This Man's Name is Mydiddee [Maititi?), he is a fine active
Person about 22 Years of Age at most, and is considered above the common run of
Men in all the exercises of this Country. He exceeds most of them in quickness of
apprehension, which is the first excellence next to their natural <a naturally > good
disposition that <for which > we could chuse a Man. <<for». He is a Servant, and
therefore a more eligible person for the purpose of learning than if he had been a
Chief, admitting his intellects equal. The School is common to all in this Country.
There is no knowledge to be gained in the History of the Country but by tradition,
and the only education being the Company of the Chiefs and Old People of
distinction; wherever nature has planted good sense and a quick conception, the
Individual whether Chief or Towtow, becomes informed and well educated. Such a
Towtow is more likely to benefit his Country than a Chief who would be only led
into Idleness and Dissipation as soon as he arrived in Europe, as was the Case with
Tuesday, July 10th
Light Variable Airs and Calms. Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed Starting and filling Water. Carpenters about the
Whale Boat and fitting up the Greenhouse, which by night was completed.
Plentiful Supply from our old Friends of Oparre, but no
Strangers about us.
My time <now> passes very anxiously. In the beginning of the
Week I think the Botanists <Gardiners> can have no reason to hesitate to take the
Plants on board, they are in a fine thriving state, some of them have made two and
three inches shoots.
Wednesday, July 11th
Pleasant Sea Breezes from the East and Land Winds at SSE. Thermometer from 76
to 78 Degrees.
Employed Watering. Staying the Masts and setting the Rigging
up. Reeving running Rigging and a variety of necessary duties preparing for Sea.
Sufficient Supplies.
My Old Friends, the Otoo family particularly show their usual
marks of concern at the approach of my taking leave of them. Tynah is almost
disconsolate at being refused going to England, and Old Oberreeroah his Mother has
expressed a degree of Grief which I have every reason to believe sincere.
In the Afternoon Otoo arrived from his Tour which was
shortened by the News he had <heard> of the Ship's sailing. A few <of the>
Papparah people came round with him; but Tomaree refused to accompany him from
a fear of not being cordially received by me – by some means he has been made
believe I am not his Friend. I do not believe he has any confidence, even among his
Oparre friends, indeed there is a certain distrust which hangs among these People
that marks them for abounding <discovers them to abound> in duplicity.
Tomaree has certainly many of my Books & Papers, as I am
informed by some of the Matilda’s People. He had the impudence to send me a
Message yesterday, that if I would send him Cartridge paper he would deliver me a
proportion of Books for it. It appears that he is in possession of all the Powder the
Matilda’s People brought on Shore with them as well as the Arms, and the use he
intends the Books for is to make cartridges of<he intends to make cartridges of the
books>. All this information came too late to me to adopt means to recover anything.
As soon as Otoo came round to the Post, I saluted him with
Seven Guns, which gave <him> a high degree of satisfaction & fed his Pride not a
little. On my going on Shore a Wrestling Match took place amidst five hundred
People, & it ended without anything new. As the last leisure moments I would
bestow among them, I diverted the Strangers with a few Fire Works at Night.
The Sacrifice I have spoken of a few Days since (see 19th June)
is to be offered to Otoo tomorrow, and if I am well enough shall attend the Ceremony.
I bantered Iddeeah with <upon> the indifference her Son showed
her after a long absence, <upon> which gave me a novel sight, her taking <she
took;> him in her arms (or rather on her hip as they carry their Children). <This
was a novel sight to me> She was however obliged to be uncovered as they always
are in the Boys presence.
Thursday, July 12th
Fresh Breezes at East during the day and Cloudy Weather. Calm in the Mornings
and Land Winds at SSE at Night. Thermometer from 75 to 79 Degrees.
Employed Completing the Holds, stowing away Wood. Bent all
the Sails Carpenters about the Boats.
Plentiful Supplies altho but few Natives about the Ship. The
Sails being bent has given a general alarm of my determination to go to Sea.
At Day break the Sacrifice which I have spoken of on the 19th
June, was removed to a Double Cannoe which was likewise a part of the Offering of
atonement by the Chief, Ohodoo [Hotu?], of Waennah (Huahine). He was himself
on the Cannoe with 18 Men. The Dead Body wrapt up as it had been brought from
the place of execution, was laid across the fore part of the Cannoe, and by it were
tied eight fine live Hogs. Near the Body were eight or ten long Rods connected by
tyings. Each Rod had short «cross» pieces about 8 inches long neatly tyed in form
of a Cross. About these and the Tops of the Rods a few red feathers were fastened,
«and» the whole is called Mannooteeah, a Temple belonging to their God, to which
they likewise gave the common Name - Morai. It is always used on these occasions.
The Cannoe was hung round with Course White Cloth, and proceeded towards
Oparre with two Drums beating in the common way.
At 8 O'Clock I set of from the Ship accompanied by Tynah,
Otow, Iddeeah and Wyerreddee. The progress of the Cannoe was so slow, we got to
Oparre before them, where we found few People; but before the Ceremony ended
there were about six hundred. Otoo received us on landing.
As soon as the Cannoe arrived Hammenneemannee, the Priest,
conducted us to the Morai called Tebbootabooataiah. (I find this Word is given to
the Morai or Temple of Worship wherever the Etuah is brought - it means the
Temple of their Great God. At present it is at the entrance of Oparre Harbour.) At
this place he began a Prayer, and they joined in invoking different Deities, which
terminated <and concluded> with violent shouts calling on their Great God. At this
instant the large bundle wrapt in Red Cloth like an Egyptian Mummy as I have
already described, was brought in on a Mans Shoulders, «and» the Cannoe with the
Sacrifice was hauled in on <upon> the beach a few Yards from the Morai, Otoo
sitting the whole time on a Man's Shoulders . The Priest now quitted the Morai
and seated himself at the Sacrifice, «and» Otoo sat opposite to him, - two Drums
beat an odd kind of time, and during this the Priest pronounced another prayer or
supplication to the Erreerahigh. In this interval they brought three Red Feathers of
the breast of a Bird twisted in Cocoa Nutt fibres and presented them to Otoo, and
the Rods called Mannooteah, that I have just explained <to Otoo>. This Ceremony
lasted a quarter of an hour, when the Sacrifice was brought out on a Pole and laid
on the ground before Otoo with the Head towards him, Drums beating the whole
time. The outer Basket <in which> the Body was packed up «in» was now taken
off, and the Head exposed. Hammenneemannee the Priest began a supplication in
favor «of» Ohodoo and his People, but no reply was at any time made by the King.
This Supplicatory Prayer being over, a Grey headed Old fellow, (who I supposed had
officiated in this Office to many unfortunate Wretch,) took up a large splinter of
wood, and forcing it into the Socket of each Eye, took out a Mass of corruption
which he <divided and> put on two leaves. The Priest began another Prayer, in
the course of which one of the leaves was put down on the Stones of the Morai, and
the Operator standing before Otoo with the other in his hand, the Priest ordered
him to present it to the King, - he received it within four Inches of his Mouth and
at the sentence, Hammamammy, gaped. The Leaf with what they called the Eye
was then put by the other and no care taken of them. All this time their Etuah
wrapt up on [in?] a piece of Scarlet Cloth was kept on a Man's Shoulders as well as
the King, but they now retired to a small pavement or Morai which is called
Teppah; here the Etuah and King was put to the Ground, and the Marro being
spread out, the King was invested with it, and had it put round him in the manner
the common Marro's are worn round the Hips. During this ceremony there was a
pretty chant from the Priests. I had agreed to fire three vollies upon the occasion,
«and» 'Tynah told me that I was to fire upon Shouts given by <on> his whole
People <shouting>, Maivah Erree, accordingly; as soon as the boy was invested
they shouted Maivah Erree (or long live the King - this is our acknowledged King)
in a most piercing manner «to the Ear» three & four times, I then ordered a Volley
To be fired from the Boat, and with their Shouts it was repeated three times. The
Boy was now taken on a Man's Shoulders as before, and with the Etuah were
<was> carried back to the great Temple Tebbatabooaitaiah where another Prayer
and Chorus was performed. He was then dismantled, and the Marro with the Etuah
was taken away by the Priests. [Note: the previous sentence has been crossed out in
ML] In this interval the Boy was left unprotected, and we saw the Dogs
devouring the remains of the putrid Carcass which <the neglect of it> I found was
owing to the offering being an atonement to the Erree and not a particular Sacrifice
to the Etuah. The Hogs likewise were neglected in the peace offering, for <but>
they were all made better use of in giving them to us. I don’t think there is any
immorality in my Idea. Here the whole busyness ended, and noise and feasting
ensued, <upon> which I left to themselves <them> and returned on board.
The Marro since I last saw it was ornamented with some of the
Peoples Hair belonging to the Bounty - an ostentatious mark of their connection
with the English, and not of respect to the Person it belong to. It was of a pretty
auburn colour, and they told me it was the hair of Skinner who was Barber to the
Ship’s Company.
All Men sacrificed to the Etuah are put into the Earth
adjoining to the Great Temple or place of Worship; but those who are sacrificed as
an atonement to the King are buried under Coral Rocks where the Water has access
to them, or left to be devoured by the Dogs. The Water burying Ground<place>
lies adjoining to the Morai Woowrooah at the entrance of the Harbour.
Friday, July 13th
Land and Sea Breezes, Calms with smart Showers of Rain in the Morning.
Thermometer from 79 to 81 Degrees.
Employed completing for Sea. Got every thing up from below,
roused the Cables up and Washed the Ship with boiling Water to kill Cockroaches.
This was our last arduous day work to prepare the Ship for the Plants. Received new
Yard Tackle Falls and Fore Stay Tackle Fall. Completed our Whale Boat. Hands
<employed> making Hay. Dried Sails.
An apparent <Any appearance of> regret at our <intended>
departure is only Visible in the Otoo Family, particularly my Friend Tynah and his
Wife Iddeeah - with them it is very evidently sincere. Some others express sorrow;
«it is» however «very remarkable to me» the indifference with which the general
run of People treat us <is very remarkable>, notwithstanding they all say there
will be great sorrow <grief> at our departure. The great proof of indifference is the
<that> very few People «who» come about us, and the few attachments that the
Natives have formed <that the Natives have formed few attachments> with any
of my People. Hitherto I have been accustomed to see them show great concern at
parting, and load their Friends with presents of every thing they thought would be
desirable to them, but now there is <they offer> nothing remarkable. I can only
compare them to some of our English Folks, who ask their Friends to remain in their
House, when they wish them out of it; there are many however who seem interested
in our well doing. [The last phrase appears also in ML but has been crossed out.]
Saturday, July 14th
Light Westerly Airs and Calms with some smart Showers of Rain. Thermometer
from 76 to 82 Degrees.
I began to day to take on board my Plants, received 689 Pots,
[marginal note: ‘Large Pots 459, Small Ditto 230’] most of which have two Plants
in them. Scraped and Greased the Top Masts and brought most of our Aticles from
the Shore.
Abundant Supplies.
Our Visitors were numerous to day and the Seamens Tyo's
brought them articles of provisions for their Sea Store. My Friend Tynah and his
Wives brought an abundance of Breadfruit, Plantains, Mahie, Cocoa Nutts and
three very fine Hogs. The distress of Tynah and Ideeah at my leaving them is very
great but Wyerreddee cares little about us. Poor Tynah is disconsolate at not going
with me, altho I have engaged to take his Man, and promised to ask permition of
King George for him to be brought home by the first Ship that is sent out. I wish
sincerely this kind Friend to us could have his wishes gratified, he deserves a great
deal from us.
Many of the Natives are desirous of going with us, and have
asked their Friends to shut them up in their Chests, and in Casks.
Some of the Matilda’s People have absented themselves with an
intention of staying behind. It. <This> gives me no concern but <except> for the
injury <1 am apprehensive> they may <do our Friends by Joining adverse Chiefs.
My fatigue to day has been considerable.
Sunday, July 15th
Very Squally Weather and heavy Rain at times with the Wind at West WSW
and WNW. Thermometer from 78 to 81 Degrees. Very much Surf in the Bay and Swell.
The Weather to day prevented me from getting all my Plants
on board; for it was rather boisterous and very much so at Sea. We however got off
two Pots of Avees and 246 Pots of Breadfruit. This with loosing sails to dry <and
drying sails> and cleaning Ship, employed us very busily. Mahie (Mahi) for Sea
Store, Cocoa Nutts and Breadfruit with a few Hogs, were our Supplies from the
Natives. In the Morning I struck my Observatory and finished my Astronomical
A large Double Cannoe arrived from Oriaitaih (or Ulieteah as it
is commonly called) -- about 15 Men came in her, Erreeoys. They had a Shed or Hutt
in the Middle of it which sheltered 6 or 8 persons. I am sure from the Sea they must
have had these Vessels make better Weather of it than we suppose it possible for
them to do.
To a great many of the middling Rank of People I made my last
presents, and to numerous of the lower Class I gave others, that they might see I
remembered with kind attention their friendly behavior to us.
Tynah and the Otoo family continue to Show the greatest regret
at our leaving them. No Strangers about us.
Monday, July 16th
Calms and Light Variable Winds with some heavy Rain. Much Swell in the Bay.
Thermometer from 76 to 80 Degrees.
Employed bringing the remainder of the Plants on board and
various duties in completing for Sea, which kept us at Work the whole day without
No Strangers about us but the Ulieteah Cannoe People. <'To>
the principal Man I made a handsome present «to». To Old Otow likewise I paid
my last Gift, and made it so truly Valuable, that the poor Old Man could not
refrain from shedding tears of gratitude. To the People in general who belonged to
Oparre I also gave what was valuable to them, and in doing this with my
attendance to give directions and see the Plants properly stowed, I suffered a vast
deal of fatigue. By Night the ship was «truly» well fitted and Stowed. Besides the
Cabbin I appropriated the Quarter Deck abaft the Mizen Mast and other places to
the use of the Plants, which enabled me to take 756 Plants more than could be
expected - a vast advantage.
Before Sun Down I embarked my Party amidst a concourse of
People who <all> regretted our leaving them, particularly Otoo, the Poor Boy
cryed a great deal, and would not quit hold of my hand untill I promised to see
them in the Morning, which I intended to do to make him my last present. We
saluted him with three Cheers, and they returned us the Compliment with great
ardour. Tynah and his Wives with Oreepyah returned to the Ship for the Night.
Brought on board the Whale Boat in good order.
On this day Captain Bligh sent the following official communication
to Portlock:
Being now ready for Sea and thus far the object of our Voyage
fully completed; you are to proceed with me (as in all former cases) in our intended
Route home.
Having furnished you with a Copy of my orders, and shewn
you how uncertain my route will be between this and Timor, you will readily
perceive what an attention is requisite to keep company, and to observe Signals as I
may make to you.
Should accident separate us before I reach the Friendly Islands, I
shall cruize 24 Hours for you in sight of the Islands Caow (Kao, also called Oghao]
and Tofoa. I shall then pass to the North of Bligh's Islands [i.e., Fijian Islands] (of
which you have a Map) and proceed round those I discovered off the New Hebrides,
where, in Lat of 14 degrees 30 minutes I shall also cruise in sight of the Land 24
Hours. This is the last place of Rendezvous I can fix with any certainty, and you
must observe to cruize 24 Hours at each place lest you may get there before me.
Coupang in Timor is the place I propose to compfete my Water
at. It is situated in10 degrees 12 minutes S124 degrees 41 minutes East of Greenwich.
As the time of the Westerly Monsoon is advancing fast upon us,
I with much concern give up the power of examening strange lands, but what will
not detain us. I shall therefore make the Coast of Louisiade and take the most direct
and effectual means to pass on to Timor with the utmost dispatch, where you may
wait for me such time as you may think advisable and do the best for his Majestys
Service. I shall wait for you 8 days and leave such directions as I may think will
satisfy you how to proceed.
Given under my Hand on board His Majestys
Ship Providence in Matavai Bay 15July 1792
Wm. Bligh
Herewith you are furnished with
a Complete Sett of Signals both
for Ships and Boats.
Tuesday, July 17th
Light Airs from the Sea and Calms with dark heavy Clouds in the Offin.
Thermometer from 75 to 79 Degrees.
By day light we had a number of Cannoes round us, and by
Noon a hundred of them, which with necessary duties kept us in confusion in
Unmooring Ship. The light Winds we had, and those from the Sea prevented me
from getting out, I therefore steadied the Ship with a Stream Anchor after Warping
further out into the Bay. Point Venus N35 [degrees] E, West Head of' Tarra S 26
[degrees] W. The River S 80 [degrees] E. Ship in 13 fathoms. Moreah from S 64
[degrees] W to S 87 [degrees] W.
I thought I had nearly done with making presents; but I had a
greater throng to day than Yesterday. Most of the lower order of People, begging
for something to remember me, and I rewarded them all for their good behavior. All
the Otoo Family except the King were with me, but I kept back most of what I
intended for them, politically.
I regretted much not being able to get to Sea, our time however
was well employed in many essential things respecting the Plants. I wrote letters of
my proceedings to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be taken home by the
first Ships, and wrote to Weatherhead’s People [i.e., of the Matilda] threatening
punishment to them as Deserters, if they did not join in the interest of the Otoo .
family. At Night as usual Tynah with his Wives slept on board.
Wednesday, July 18th
The Weather came clear today, but we had such West and North Winds, until 3
OClock in the Afternoon we could not sail. In this interval I had the West end of
the Dolphin Bank bouyed and the East part of the next bank, for the deep Water
Channel as I was determined to tow out. At 4 we got under way and towed out
into a fresh Sea Breeze which was blowing about 2 Miles without the Land.
Assistant in Company. We carried13 14 16 10 16 17 21 21 25 fathoms untill on
a parallel with the North part of the Coast and then had no Ground at 35 fathoms.
Mustered the Ship's Company.
In the Morning I went to see Old Oberreeroah as she was
infirm, and to take my leave of her and Otoo. The latter was absent for a few
hours, but <to> the Old Woman I made my last present «to». She showed the
most affectionate regard at my taking leave, and I left her with Otow in great distress.
About 9 O'Clock Otoo came off to the Ship in a Double Cannoe,
and remained along side untill Noon. He would not come on board, I therefore gave
my present to him from my Boat. It consisted of Shirts, Printed Linnen, Large Axes,
Knives, Hatchets, Toys, Scissors, Nails, Saws, Beads and several other articles.
They were enumerated amidst a number of People, and very gratefuly received.
We Parted with shaking hands, and a promise exacted from me to come again to
The Sea Breeze appearing without, brought off every Soul of our
acquaintance. I had still numerous presents to make, and I gave them with my
warmest regard and good Wishes. Tynah, Ideeah, Oreepyah, and their Servants,
requested to be the last out of the ship by which means, as it blew very strong
when I got out in the Breeze, I was under the necessity to keep <of keeping >them
all Night, or risk <risking> the loss of my Boat. This delighted the poor People,
altho they must have suffered great inconvenience from it.
We had marks both of regret & indifference in leaving this
hospitable place. This is the second time I have experienced their friendship and
regard, and I have done every thing in my power to reward them. I can venture to
say they are sensible of it.
During the Night it blew a hard Gale of Wind at E by S – our
passengers however cared little about it, At day dawn I made up my presents for
Tynah & Iddeeah and having stored them with an assortment of every article I had
and Iron Work in great abundance, the whole was embarked and I ordered them to
be landed at Oparre.
From the most earnest sollicitation of our Friend Tynah, I gave
him a Musquet and 500 rounds of Powder and Shot. It was the least I could do for
him who had served us so well, particularly as his Enemies would soon be about
him with a superior force.
During the absence of the Boat, we kept plying off & on. About
11 OClock she returned and was hoisted in - it continuing to blow away hard we
made Sail under Double Reefs, and at Noon [marginal note: ‘19 July & here Log
Account begins the 20th 12 Hours earlier than Civil Account’] Point Venus bore S
85 [degrees] E distance 6 or 7 Miles, West Head each of Tarrah S 44 [degrees] E 4
Miles and the North part of Moreah N 86 degrees W. Wind at East and
Thermometer 77 Degrees. Served full allowance of Grog.
To my astonishment I found a Man (who had always been with
the Botanists in collecting and taking care of the Plants) secreted between Decks.
The Gale was too strong for me to beat back and land him, without much loss of
time, when every moment is of the greatest consequence to me, and I had not a
heart to make him jump over board. While I was debating in my mind what was
best to be done, the Botanists <Gardeners> told me he had been a valuable Man to
them, & would be of great use if I kept him. As this was an act of the Man's own,
I conceived he might be usefull to our Friends in Jamaica in attending the Plants,
about which he knew a great deal; and as he was an active fellow & a Towtow, I
knew the People on Shore would be satisfied with the loss of him expecting to
benefit by it in the end. I thought it not worth delaying <losing> a moments time
to land him, which might have delayed me another day, & therefore directed that he
should be under the care of the Botanists <Gardeners> to look after the Plants.
The Chiefs parted very affectionately with Mididdee [marginal
note: ‘sometimes called Mydee or Mydeeai’ ]- he left them & his Country without
shedding a Tear, although a great deal attached to them all <all of them>. Tynah
desired he would see King George, & hoped that a Ship would be sent out for
him – his conversation in my Cabbin on the whole for the last quarter of an hour
«when the Boat was waiting» was like an affectionate creature who was loosing a
valuable Friend; both him however and Iddeeah, parted from us at last with only a
respectfull regard, and answered our three Cheers which were given from both Ships
I have taken no notice of Whyerreddee as she absented herself on having disobliged Tynah.
There is a most worthy & disinterested Couple who live at
Oparre. They are relations to Tynah. The Man is called Morotarrah & the Woman,
Toeedooah. She is remarkable for her attention to us & real grief at parting; but my
particular reason for mentioning her is, she received the Matildas People with «the»
warmest hospitality when they arrived after the loss of their Ship. She is a well
grown active Woman - her Husband is strongly infected with a scrofula disease
about the extremities.
The Matildas People who <whom> I have taken with me are:
John Marshall – Chief Mate Thomas Baillie –Ditto John Thompson – AB
Jas. Norris - Surgeon John Smith, second -.AB Samuel Dennise - AB
Robert Atkinson - Boatswain David Monet - AB John Hopkins - AB
John Potts - Carpenter Josuah Harper-.AB Stephen Regrove - AB
John Smith, first, - Boy
Two others John Witstaff and James Gilbert are entered on board the Assistant by
my order to Lieut Portlock dated 9th April 1792.
This day every person received their allowance of liquor, &
<which> to be continued as customary.
I delivered my Captain Cook’s Picture before I sailed, with a
memorandum on the back, of the time of my arrival and Sailing, & the number of
Plants I had got on board - it was however by mistake dated the 16th for my time
of Sailing.
The People of the Matilda who have deserted from me after
having made application to be taken home are –
James Conner William Yaty Andrew Cornelius Lind
James Butcher John Williams
A Person who I am informed was transported for life to Port Jackson & escaped in
the Matida remains also on the Island, but I could get no further information about
him, than he was a Jew [marginal note: ‘called Samuel Tollend’].
I have not entered & run the above Men on my Supernumary
List as they did not appear on board, but have left letters to the Commanders of
ships who may touch there stating their situation.
This day includes 36 Hours, ending at Noon, on the 19th Civil
Account, when the 20th by Log account begins in my next Log.
Ships draught of Water after the Plants were on board and
hove short to the last anchord –
Aft 16 feet 9 inches
forward 15 feet 9 inches
By the Stern 1 foot 0 inches
Before the plants were taken on board the Ship was only 3 Inches by the Stern, so
that the weight of them brought her down 9 Inches.
Recapitulation of Plants
Bread Fruit
777 Large Pots
313 Small
35 Tubs
26 Boxes
Aahighyyahs or Ayyahs
4 Large Pots
[‘ahia’a, Eugenia malaccencis 31 Small Ditto
Malay apple] 2 Tubs
Rattahs 18